Senior School News

Year 12 Motivation Day
A very successful Motivation Day was held on Friday 7 February at Monash University, Peninsula Campus. The guest speaker was Mike Rolls. Mike discussed motivation, resilience, self belief, self leadership, success and confidence. He outlined his personal account of facing death, overcoming tremendous odds, and how we can use adversarial experiences as a springboard into a life of greater meaning and deeper personal success. Mike was both inspirational and entertaining.
Elevate Education presented two seminars: Study Sensei and Time Management. These presentations were invaluable in terms of providing information to assist students to prepare for assessments and examinations throughout the year.
We also heard from a panel of 2019 Year 12 students: Bethany Hobby, Jason Angus, Liam Wilkinson, Zoe Cox and Jesse Hema. These students spoke about successful strategies they used during Year 12 to maximize learning outcomes. I was incredibly proud of the Year 12 students from 2019 and their tips for succeeding in Year 12 - they all made mention of the fantastic teachers and opportunities at this school, and they were genuine and sincere as they relayed their experiences with their teachers over their time at Frankston High School.
Thank you to the main speakers on the day who provided invaluable advice to our students: Mr John Albiston for his motivational speech to commence the day, Mrs Sharon Bourne for her presentation on careers and Ms Kirsten Bakker for her wellbeing talk and showbag.
I would like to thank Mr Simon Cameron and Mrs Rebecca Ashdown for organizing this day and the PFA Committee who provided a delicious, healthy morning tea of fruit and fruit juice.
The organisation of the day and the presentations made by staff required a huge amount of time and effort and I would like to thank all the staff involved. I am sure the students found the day to be beneficial with a wealth of information was provided to assist students to reach their goals and maximise their learning opportunities.
Senior School Parent Information Night
Thank you to all parents who attended the information night on Monday 11 February. The feedback we received was very positive. There is no doubt Years 11 and 12 are critical years and family support is vital.
Thank you to Mr Simon Cameron, Mrs Ellen D’Ambra, Mrs Sharon Bourne, Ms Kirsten Bakker, Mrs Rebecca Ashdown, Mr Paul Don and Mr John Albiston for their presentations and assistance on the night.
Thank you also to Lily Chapple (Class of 2019) and her mother Lisa Wickes for their invaluable insight into VCE and strategies for success.
Welcome Back Assembly
On Friday 21 February we held our formal welcome back assemblies for Year 11 and Year 12. We were joined at the assembly by Ms Peta Murphy MP (Federal Member for Dunkley), Mr Paul Edbrooke MP, (State Member for Frankston), representatives from the Lions Club of Frankston and Luke Ridgewell from Deakin University.
At the assembly the following students were recognized:
Karu Handoyo and Ellie Morton – DUX of Year 12 2019,
Michaela Goggin – Frankston Young Citizen of the Year,
Joanna Angeletos - Lions Youth of the Year,
Emily Wilson – Deakin University Young Influencer Award,
Lucy Philpott – Louisa Dunkley Shield and
Tavishek Sharma for his media work to raise money for Frankston Pets in the Park, an organization that provides free healthcare to pets of those who are homeless.
Congratulations to all students.
New Parent Evening
Thank you to Ms Kylie Williams who organized a very successful new parents evening (Years 8-12) on 13 February. It was an excellent opportunity to meet with the new parents of the school and address any questions or enquiries they have. If parents would like to discuss their child’s progress at school, they are most welcome to contact the relevant Year Level Coordinators.
The Senior School Crossing
It is important that parents do not drop students off both before and after school near the crossing. This poses a very dangerous situation for both students and motorists.
It is essential that all students use the designated school crossings when travelling between campuses.
Use Of Study Periods
It is pleasing to see so many of our students using their time to an advantage in study periods. However, some students need to manage their time more effectively. Our past students have spoken of the importance of utilising study periods to discuss work with friends, meet with teachers, complete homework and revise for assessment tasks. All students are required to be in a designated study area during their study periods and to use this time productively.
Students Driving To School
Students who drive to school are reminded that they must complete a consent form (which is available from the Senior Office) and attach a photocopy of their driver’s licence.
Students are not permitted to park in the school grounds and hence, must ensure that they follow local parking restrictions on nearby roads.
Students should also be aware that they must not park on Foot Street. Students are to park in the nearby side streets.
Ms Helen Wilson
Senior School Principal
Introducing WoW! – Words on Wheels Initiative
In order to support the teaching and learning of all staff and students in the VCE Campus, a mobile library will be bringing VCE texts, study guides, support material and study skills advice to the Presentation Space in 2020. While hours will be limited to Thursday, our Teacher Librarian Tonia Hast and incredibly helpful Librarian Michelle Snooks will always be available for online advice and requests for print and digital resources. Remember, Homework Club is open to ALL students in the JRC from 3.30 to 4.30 from Tuesday to Thursday.
Study Tip
Sitting in class or reading a textbook are very passive ways to learn, and while you may learn something from these, you might be surprised by how little information your brain will retain.
- Read the textbook looking for answers to questions that you have in mind, and you must integrate the facts of the class into your understanding.
- Look at the course objectives to determine what you need to know. Your class notes will suggest what is necessary to memorize for outcomes.
- Writing the information in question form really makes you think about what the teacher or textbook is telling you and more than that you have an excellent study resource to return to. Who knows, one of these questions you might even be on your exam!