Year 9 LEAD Class

Year 9 LEAD students attend Year 7 Camp - Group 1
On 18 February, five LEAD students headed to the Year 7 Camp. We conducted a few games to play with the students including wink murderer, Pac-man and playing in the gaga pit. We also ran a 'Q& A' with the students to see if they have any questions or queries about high school. From there we played a series of games with them. The Year 7 students enjoyed the games, it gave them the chance to socialize and become more comfortable with their new peers. We also played ship, shark, shore with the students outside and it went well. Unfortunately, the weather wasn’t nice to us but we did have a great time and learnt a lot about leadership and how to lead a group. A big thank you to Mrs Sharee Dew for driving us there and back.
Rita Kuzminykh, Ruby Code, Abel Aby Joseph,
Kelly Gilbert and Anna Beaudry
Frankston High School Swimming Sports
On 12 February the Semester 1 LEAD Class of 2020 helped the charity known as Dogs For Kids (DFK). This was done by holding a fundraiser at the 2020 Frankston High School Swimming Carnival. We held a sausage sizzle at the carnival, and we made a profit of $188.15.
We each had shifts at the sausage stand; took it in turns at cooking the sausages and onions, handing out bread, taking the orders and being on the register. A big thanks to Mr Adam Martin, Ms Alarna Summers and Mrs Sarah Bahramis for all their help.
We took great pleasure in helping this charity as it is very deserving and needs to get more recognition. DFK provides assistance and therapy dogs for children whose everyday activities are restricted by physical, intellectual, sensory, social and emotional challenges.
We appreciated everyone that bought a sausage and will hope that they will donate to DFK in the future because it takes a lot more money than people think to train a dog, up to 40K at most.
DFK is the charity we are supporting in the upcoming Moomba Birdman Rally. We are currently building our flying machine in the STEM Centre with interested students. All details are on Compass. Thank you to Mrs Elise Roper for all her support in the building process. If you would like to support us, please donate at
Oscar Menzies and the LEAD Class