From the Principal

Dear Parents, Staff, Students And Friends
Here we are approaching the middle of Term 1 and so much has happened to engage our students in a range of exciting learning opportunities. Thank you to everyone for your support in ensuring our students are arriving in full school uniform with their navy blue hats, looking neat and tidy being proud to be a part of our learning culture of excellence. I hope you enjoy reading this edition of our newsletter.
Congratulations And Many Thanks To Parents On School Council
I am pleased to welcome Parent Representatives who have been appointed to School Council for a two year term:
Parent Representatives:
Mrs Melissa King, Mr Mark Rickinson and Mr Brian Coghlan
Student Representative:
Lu Yang (Year 10)
At this time we farewell Mrs Michelle Kapnoullas as a Parent Representative on School Council and say thank you for her contribution to our school. Also, we thank Michaela Goggin (Year 12) as she finishes her term as a Student Representative on School Council. Michaela will go down in history as one of the first ever official Student Representatives on Frankston High School’s Council.
We are indebted to our parents for the great volunteer work they do in representing our school community on School Council. School Council is our governing body which ensures that Frankston High School keeps moving onwards and upwards by leading Australia in providing excellence in teaching and learning for our students.
Motivation Day: A Huge Success!!
Thanks to our team of enthusiastic Year 12 Coordinators: Mr Simon Cameron and Ms Rebecca Ashdown for organizing a highly successful Year 12 Motivation Day. This is a significant event which undoubtedly helps students to reflect and plan what they want to achieve by the end of the year. This day has inspired our students to achieve their full potential. It is evident that our Year 12 students are focused on achieving their goals by being the best they can be, by the tone in the Margaret Mace Study Centre and Ruth Bishop Science Centre which are thriving with students collaborating on learning tasks or working independently. Many are staying behind after classes until 6.00pm to use our magnificent Study Centre to continue with their studies. Well Done Class of 2020: you are off to a great start! We can tell this is a terrific cohort because they did not have to be asked to leave the University where they were learning perfectly clean and tidy as they found it.
Swimming Sports: A Day Of Fun In The Sun!!
We were most fortunate to have a warm, mild day for our House Swimming Carnival. It was terrific to see our students getting into the spirit of competition, dressing up in their house colours and competing in a range of events including fun dance competitions and novelty events. Also, it was great to have a contingent of supportive parents at the sports. Many thanks to Mrs Chloe Stevens, Mr Luke Rowe and Ms Kylie Grech for overseeing the organization of this highly successful event.
VCE Information Night = Parents Who Make A Difference
Recent research indicates that there is no significant difference in learning outcomes between students who attend private and government schools. The difference in learning outcomes between students is determined by the quality of parenting and teaching. Parents who communicate to their children, how much they value their education, together with Frankston High School teachers, will result in students with the best learning outcomes. The great attendance of parents at our VCE Information Evening, together with their most informed caring questions, tells me that together with our exceptional VCE teachers, our students will achieve their potential and beyond. I also need to acknowledge our wonderful students who make the best of the wonderful learning opportunities provided by our school.
Student Selected For Elite Top Class In Drama
Max Oliver (Year 12, 2019), has been selected to perform in TOP CLASS DRAMA 2019. Only the most outstanding students in the State are awarded this honour. This is a tribute to Ms Brie Gibson and her fellow drama teachers who have nurtured Max to perform at such an exceptional level.
Just a reminder to Year 7 parents to attend our ‘Meet and Greet’ evening at 7.00pm on Thursday 12 March. It is a friendly night where you have the opportunity of meeting other parents and finding out more about the school. Don’t be a stranger. If you come alone, you will immediately feel a warm sense of belonging to our school.
Keep well and enjoying life.
Mr John Albiston