Canteen & Uniform Shop
Canteen Special
Available Wednesday 22nd March, 2023
Special $7.00
Birthday Treats
Cupcakes, ice blocks, jelly and popcorn are available to order for class group birthday celebrations. Notice of 48 hours would be appreciated. Orders must be for class groups only, not individual orders.
If you are interested please contact me in the Canteen.
Thank you Amanda
Uniform Shop
Weekly Reminders
As many of you may have noticed the Uniform shop has made some changes to its layout, this is to make the shop function more efficiently. Please be aware this is a shared space with the P&C band committee and any instruments in there are strictly out of bounds for the children. We would appreciate parents keep this in mind when popping in with their children.
Please, don’t forget we greatly appreciate any second-hand uniforms being donated to the uniform shop. This assists our new and continuing families and helps the uniform shop continue to run smoothly. The donated items are then available as second-hand items to purchase by everyone. It’s a great way to save a penny or two, with items available for just $5 each. Currently we have a surplus of winter polar fleece jumpers in a range of sizes. So, with cooler days approaching, please consider this as an option for your little ones.
Also, please note the Uniform shop currently has some great bargains in the clearance bins, these items will be on display each week out the front. Items include, socks, hair accessories, gloves, winter bootleg pants and some polos in house colours for sports carnivals. So, pop down and score a bargain as these items will not be restocked.
Please remember for detailed news and updates about uniforms please head to the NEWS section on your Quickcliqs online account.
Also, as a friendly reminder, orders can be placed between Tuesday – Sunday of each week. No online orders can be processed on Mondays as this is the day I process and put together the orders from the previous week. Once the orders are ready, I will put them in the office for collection and send a text to let you know. If you can’t place an order in this time frame the week before you need it, please pop into the uniform shop to see me. The uniform shop is open Mondays 3pm – 4pm alternatively you can contact me via the email –
Have a great week.
Volunteers Required
The canteen is looking for volunteers to assist with Lunch preparation between 9.30am and 12.30pm and Recess between 2pm and 2.30pm. In particular we would love a few extra hands on Friday's as we receive a lot of lunch orders at the end of the week. If you would like further information please contact the school office.
To order from the Canteen and Uniform Shop go to Quick Cliq