Acting Principal's News 

Dear Parents and Carers,


The weeks appear to be flying and we are nearing the end of week 7 of this first term.  It is endearing to see so many school events take place.  We are so fortunate to have an active Parent community who are also willing to assist and support in so many ways.  


Last week Liesel and Ali held a second hand uniform clearance.  There was an overwhelming attendance and over $800.00 was raised.  There is now a shortage of SIZE 10 uniforms.  If you have any at home which you no longer require and would like to donate them to the second hand uniform store, they can be left at the front office.  Thank you to everyone who organised and supported this clearance.


St James Principal Appointment Process

In a previous newsletter I informed the community that application for the Principalship at St James had closed.  I am pleased to share that The panel has met and short-listed applications. Interviews for the position of St James will occur next week. We continue to keep the panel and applicants in our prayers. Please respect the confidentiality of the panel during this time.

St James School Vision and School Priorities.  (POST  REVIEW)  Last year the school participated in our school review.  Following the review we received a report including recommendations for forward planning.  We have met as a Leadership team and in consultation with staff and MACS consultants have set our new school priorities for continuous improvement for the next four years.  (Please see the attached information).


Jungle / Safari School Welcome Disco

Thank you to Denise and our amazing parents for organising and setting up a welcoming school function.  The students under the artistic creation of our Visual Arts teacher created artwork to transform the school into a Safari / Jungle.  The students had lots of fun navigating the obstacle course, rolling around the gigantic zorb and dancing the night away.  Thank you for supporting this school event.  It was great to see you all.

Level Newsletters


Each of the Collaborative Communities have now prepared a level newsletter, providing an overview of what will be taught, timetables and school events.  Please find each of the overviews here. 



School Photos - Tuesday, March 28th, 2023

Students will need to wear their full summer uniform on this day and bring their runners in their bags for PE classes.


STAR Enrolments for Year 7, 2025


As you are aware we are located next to STAR of the Sea College. We have a great partnership with STAR and will often have their students work with our students.  Every year a high percentage of our families choose to enrol their daughters into STAR.  


Applications for Year 7, 2025 at Star of the Sea College are now open.  Please refer to the ‘What's On and Worth Noting’ section of the Newsletter for further information. 


School Marketing 2023 / 2024


A friendly reminder that if you would like to enrol your child into Prep 2024 please let the school know and we will then send you an enrolment form.  


If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the school directly on ph 03 9596-4766 or via email:


Thanks in advance!



School Enrolments for Prep 2024 close on 

Friday 24th March, 2023.



COVID-19 Safety at School (Updated protocols)

St James Catholic Primary School (School Portal) 


Please click here to access the School Portal


Working With Children Checks


St James is a Child Safe School.  As part of our Child Safe practices and processes we are required to maintain up to date information of parents and volunteers who hold a current (Working With Children Check) and would like to assist with a school activity.


If you currently hold a WWCC and intend on helping out with school activities in the near or not too distant future, can you please fill in the attached Google Form.


Should you have any queries, please feel free to contact School Admin on 


Please update your information on the following WWCC Google Form  if you have renewed or attained your WWCC.


Social Media - Please follow, like and share our school Facebook, Twitter and Instagram Feeds. 



School Website:

Twitter:  St James Catholic Primary School, 3186

Instagram:  stjamesbrighton3186

Facebook: @stjamesbrighton3186


Please stay safe and healthy.


Carmelina Corio (Acting Principal)