Faculty News — 

Food Tech

Food Technology students have begun 2023 with much zest and enthusiasm, embracing all classroom and extra-curricular activities that are offered.


Year 8 students demonstrated impressive creativity when designing how they intended to decorate their chocolate cake, with many using competent computer skills to present their design.  Students then showed much perseverance implementing their magnificent designs, developing fine motor skills and solving problems if aspects of their design didn’t necessarily go to plan.

The Edible Garden continues to flourish, with students from Years 8, 9 and 10 picking fresh produce including cherry tomatoes, basil, chives and thyme to use in their meals including Potato and Leek Soup and Bruschetta.  A number of students have embraced the opportunity at lunchtime to assist in the maintenance of the garden including staking the tomato plants, planting seedlings such as spring onions and spinach, watering and weeding.

The MazChef Monday Cafe is a new initiative in 2023, with students volunteering to make and sell hot chocolates for customers at lunchtime.  This provides students with the opportunity to practise customer service skills, work as a team and learn how to operate the semi-automatic coffee machines, including how to steam milk.  All profits from the cafe are donated to the Rosies Oblate Youth Mission.


Congratulations to all Food Technology students on beginning 2023 with such vigour and a clear love of learning.