Year 8

Leadership Day Reflection

On Friday 10 March, the Year 8 Leadership Team was presented with the opportunity to develop our leadership qualities at City Summit Rock Climbing and an afternoon at Whiteman Park. Throughout the Year 8 Leadership Day we completed a few activities, including indoor rock climbing, a visit to Whiteman Park where we properly met the rest of the cohort, and a reflection activity. We had a great time at each activity, met the rest of the leadership team and learned a lot.



These activities were chosen specifically to develop our resilience, comradery, and communication. Rock climbing was a great choice as it required two participants to communicate. While rock climbing, we had to communicate to our partner when we needed more or less rope, wanted to drop, or needed assistance in where to climb. Rock climbing also built our resilience and comradery since it was a new experience for many of us and some found it quite challenging. It was great to see when others were struggling the rest of the cohort supported and assisted them to the best of their ability. We hope that this level of spirit and enthusiasm is continued throughout the rest of Year 8.



This leadership day was also focused on promoting teamwork and trust. The fact that we had to trust ourselves to the person at the bottom of the rope while rock climbing was a hard thing to do for most people. However, I believe everyone was able to step up to the challenge of entrusting themselves to others’ hands. We were also successful in taking responsibility for the weight of the others while they were rock climbing. We were able to learn that no one can do anything meaningful alone. In conclusion, this was a great first experience that was very helpful in learning how to rock climb, meeting the rest of the leadership team, practicing resilience and comradery, trusting others, and working together as a team. 


Finally, we would like to thank Mrs. Cox for selecting us to be the Year 8 leaders for 2023, organizing this event, and supporting us all in this new experience.


Luke C and Arya B

Year 8 Community Leaders