Faith and Mission


The Catholic School in the Third Millennium

There are many times when I find myself being fascinated and intrigued by what the Church has written with such wisdom and insight to find that it was written quite some time ago. December this year will mark 26 years since the Church published “The Catholic School on the threshold of the third millennium”. Below are two exerts which give a great summary on the role of Catholic Education and the part parents play as primary educators that work in concert with the school.


Paragraph 9. The Catholic school sets out to be a school for the human person and of human persons. "The person of each individual human being, in his or her material and spiritual needs, is at the heart of Christ's teaching: this is why the promotion of the human person is the goal of the Catholic school".(6) This affirmation, stressing man's vital relationship with Christ, reminds us that it is in His person that the fullness of the truth concerning man is to be found. For this reason the Catholic school, in committing itself to the development of the whole man, does so in obedience to the solicitude of the Church, in the awareness that all human values find their fulfilment and unity in Christ.(7) This awareness expresses the centrality of the human person in the educational project of the Catholic school, strengthens its educational endeavour and renders it fit to form strong personalities.


Paragraph 20. Parents have a particularly important part to play in the educating community, since it is to them that primary and natural responsibility for their children's education belongs. Unfortunately, in our day there is a widespread tendency to delegate this unique role. Therefore it is necessary to foster initiatives which encourage commitment, but which provide at the same time the right sort of concrete support which the family needs and which involve it in the Catholic school's educational project.(26) The constant aim of the school therefore, should be contact and dialogue with the pupils' families, which should also be encouraged through the promotion of parents' associations, in order to clarify with their indispensable collaboration that personalised approach which is needed for an educational project to be efficacious.


The document in its entirety can be found at: 

Whole School Memorial Mass for Fr Hughes

On Wednesday last week, the whole College community came together with 26 Oblates from across Australia to celebrate the life of foundation Rector, Fr Don Hughes OMI. It was a wonderful celebration and testament to such a pivotal man for the College. Thank you to the Oblates, readers and musicians for their assistance in this celebration.

Wednesday Morning Masses and Form Masses

Each Wednesday our Masses have a theme and host student group.

This week we had the Cebula boarding house celebrate their feast day – the patron being Jozef (Joseph) Cebula. The day began with a Mass, where we reflected on the Cebula values and prayed for a strong display of Cebula spirit – on and off the sporting field. The House then had a ‘feast’ with pizzas and soft drink for lunch, followed by a swim in the pool.

We give thanks to the staff and House Captain Julian, who helped manage the day for our Cebula boys. We also pause to give thanks for the inspirational life and role model of Blessed Josef Cebula – someone who held steadfast in his faith, facing Nazi persecution and ultimately death in a concentration camp in 1941.


Next Wednesday’s Mass’s theme is Peer Support. All Year 11 Peer Support Leaders and Year 7s are invited to attend, along with family members. Our last week is being hosted by the Young Vinnies. All are welcome to attend.

We also continue to have our Form masses each week. This week 12D celebrated their form mass. 12E will have their mass early in Term 2. 

Project Compassion and Lent

The season of Lent links closely to the Project Compassion Caritas appeal. The College so far has raised $364 with the Year 10s making the most impressive donations! Lent is a time when we are encouraged to be mindful of those who are less fortunate and to support one another. If you can, please support or encourage your son to donate to his respective Form box.

CSL Opportunities for Students

Below is some information on upcoming opportunities for students to build upon their Christian Service Learning(CSL) hours. Some can be simply done at home, others can be within the wider community.


Earth Hour – 25th March:

Get in involved promoting or partaking in Earth Hour. This is an activity where participants give up their use of technology for an hour. Everyone can do this! (At least one hour of CSL gained)


Act Belong Commit – 26th March:

Neighbour Day is on Sunday 26 March. This day reminds us that we can all play a part in building connections and reducing loneliness. The theme this year is ‘Create Belonging’ which ties in closely with our campaign message that having a sense of belonging can improve wellbeing. Create a neighbour day event locally or spend some time helping a neighbour. See links for info/ideas (Day of Action | Neighbours Every Day and Neighbour Day - Act Belong Commit ) (At least 1 hour should be spent on this, but you can do many more!)

Youth Action Kalamunda – ongoing, meeting once a month or when you can: 

Are you 11- 17? Living, working or studying in the City of Kalamunda? Full of ideas, fiercely creative, passionate or wanting to make a difference to your community?

If you answered yes to the above then the City of Kalamunda’s Youth Action Kalamunda (YAK) team needs you! The YAK is a group for young people, led by young people. If you live, study, work or play in the City of Kalamunda, are aged 11- 17 and are passionate about making a difference to your community, then we want you to join the team. (hours are ongoing) 

Remembering the Sick or Passed Members of Our Community:

Should you wish to have prayers said for a family member or friend, or an anniversary is coming up, we can publish their names in our school newsletter. The names will also be mentioned at our morning masses. Please contact Mr John Keogh should you wish to add a name –

Eucharistic Minister Training

The school is in the process of conducting Eucharistic Minister training with Year 11s and it was wonderful to see so many volunteer. We will have a special commissioning liturgy for them near the end of the term. Information will be provided to the students closer to the date.


Flower Roster Volunteers


John Keogh

Director of Faith and Mission (acting)