From the Principal


Schools play an important role in developing hope in our young people. A scan of our life experiences over the past few years reveals events and situations that draw deposits from our collective hope account. Cost of living pressures, floods, bushfires, pandemic, climate change and the Ukraine conflict and rise in international tension, make us question where’s the message and the means to say to our children that there is hope for their future.


Like never before, the home and school need to model and nurture hope. Our youth are very attuned to the signs and messages in society conveying levels of hope. In Shawshank Redemption, Andy Dufresne is the very epitome of hope: ‘Remember, Red, hope is a good thing.’ We can continue to build a sense of hope, just like we have focused for many years on building resilience in our children, and it may not need much more than doubling-down on what we already do: Holding on to the cherished family routines of gathering together and focusing on the positives in our lives; reinforcing belonging through the family, friendship groups, clubs, community groups and school; discussing and affirming with our children their plans and dreams, and actively providing our young with examples of humankind’s acts of goodness that bring about real change and joy. 


During Lent, the time to reflect on the life and death of Christ is a message of eternal hope through his resurrection, and subsequently our promised resurrection. In a very practical way, our Mazenod boys and families can be agents of hope through each and every one of our personal commitments to supporting Project Compassion with vital funds for Caritas’ essential work here and overseas. It’s at the heart of our Mission as an Oblate school to meet the needs of the poor. I ask you to work with your boys to the extent that they can afford, to bring to school coins or notes that fill our Project Compassion boxes to the brim. There is also the opportunity for them to use Eftpos facilities at Student Reception to make small donations. This is hope empowered! 

Oblate Visit to Mazenod

Last week, we were thrilled to have 26 Oblates visit the College to celebrate alongside Provincial Fr Christian Fini OMI the Memorial Mass of Fr Don Hughes OMI. The Oblates were gathered for their Annual Formation in Fremantle and enjoyed a student-led tour of the College and discussion with the College Leadership Team. It was an inspiring sight to see so many Oblates at Mazenod and reinforced our part in the wider De Mazenod Family. 

Harmony Week

It has been so nice to see our community recognise Harmony Week this week. Harmony Week’s theme in 2023 is Living in Harmony and its annual observance aims to encourage inclusiveness, respect and belonging for all Australians, regardless of cultural background, and celebrate core Australian values. One highlight of our celebration has been the presentation of prayers in different languages.


ACC Swimming Success and Term 1 Sport

Yesterday, our swimming team won the ACC B Division Swimming Carnival for Boys Aggregate and Senior Boys. We were also placed third in the Junior Boys section. The last full carnival took place in 2021 when Mazenod also won the title. This makes it back-to-back for the team, an outstanding effort! Congratulations to Captain Fletcher R, the senior swimmers and our whole team for their great commitment and result. Congratulations is also extended to Year 7 swimmer, Aaden K who broke records in the pool. Thank you to Mr Liam Mallon (Class of ’06) and old boy Josh Pendal (Class of ‘19) who, along with Sport Coordinator Mr Chris Mason (Class of ‘02) trained and managed the team over the season.

We draw close to the end of the summer season of sport. Thank you to all boys who participated in swimming, basketball, cricket and tennis and to our staff who coached and managed the teams for Term 1.

Open Day

The College Open Day takes place on the last day of Term 1, Wednesday 5 April. The event is between 3.30-6.00pm. Open Day is a great celebration of what is offered at Mazenod and what the Mazenod Journey is like for our boys and young men. If you know of families who are looking to make a decision about secondary education for their boy, please suggest a look at Open Day as an option for a Mazenod education. 


“Be grateful for all the good the Lord helps us accomplish.” – St Eugene De Mazenod


Andrew Watson
