Physical Education

Hi Families,
5 & 6 Gala Day
We have the 5 and 6’s off to enjoy their first Gala Day for the year on Thursday. If any parents are available to assist on the day, particularly with Soccer or Tennis we would appreciate it. Helping with scoring, managing the team etc. would be fabulous.
Email me at
Division Swimming
A huge congratulations to all of those that swam in the Division Swimming on the 9th of March. Thank you for the parents getting them there on the day also. Congratulations goes out to Lachlan in year 3 for getting through to the Regional event which is happening on Friday 23rd March. We wish you all the best Lachlan!!
Soccer Afterschool Program
After the success of the soccer program that was run over the past few weeks during PE, we are going to trial an afterschool program on the oval on Thursdays during term 2 run by the same people, S4S Academy. This is available to all year levels. This is a great way for the students interested in soccer to develop their skills with professionals in the sport.
Please see the flyer and get in touch if you need further information.
Have a great week everyone
Stay well, stay active
Catherine Wall
Health & Physical Education Teacher
Sport Coordinator
(Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday)
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