Literacy and Numeracy

It was terrific to see so many parents participate in our Parent Helper Course last Wednesday. We look forward to seeing parents assisting in the classroom, on excursions, and at different events. If you have any questions about this please email your classroom teacher about times and how you can sign up to assist. Enjoy your time in the learning space.
Josh Crowe
Numeracy Leader
Home Reading
Most levels have now commenced their home reading program. As per our Home Learning Policy, there are minimum time requirements advised:
Prep: Reading 10 mins, four nights a week.
Years 1 - 2: Reading 15 mins, four nights a week.
Years 3 - 6: Reading 20 mins, four nights a week.
Each level will communicate with you how they would like this reading recording.
The purpose of home reading is for students to practice the skills learnt in class. It is an opportunity for you to provide feedback to your child, shower them in praise and to prompt them to explain their understanding of what they have read. Of even greater importance is to use this allocated time to develop a love of reading and literature!
Happy reading!