Dear Year 5 Families

Wominjeka Year 5 Families,


Term 1 Review written by Pratham in 5C


Term one has been fantastic. We have done many things like Inquiry, Reading, Writing, Numeracy and Interschool Sports. 

First of all, what we did in Inquiry was amazing. We have been making a presentation about two countries; a country from Asia and Australia. We could put it into a power point or hand write it to present it. We had to write the imports, exports, economy, social/culture, interesting facts, demography and geography. 


In Reading we have been working on reviews and the different kind of things we can review. We completed a review on a on a short clip called Snack Attack. 

In Numeracy we have been looking at fractions and decimals. We learned how to put them on a number line, compare decimals and we also made a fraction wall. 


In Writing began with narratives and we were able to write them on our devices. We learnt how to ensure our writing was detailed by learning different ways to effectively plan our story. 


This term we have also started Interschool Sports. We have done dance, hockey, basketball and are yet to do tee-ball, cricket and tennis. It has been fun having other year 5 teachers and learning new sports. 

We are looking forward to next term. 


Pratham, 5C




If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out via Compass to your child’s teacher.


Thank you,

The Year 5 Team