Performing Arts

Year 7 and 8 students began studying Drama as part of their Performing Arts subject at the start of this term. Students have been working hard to learn about performance skills and the challenges on being on stage. They have been performing in class all term doing activities to improve their understanding of character, body language and voice.
Over the next two weeks most Year 7 and 8 classes will be showcasing their achievements by performing in front of a student audience. Students selected what play they wanted to be in and what character they wanted to be.
The Year 7 plays are set in Ancient Greece. This is where theatre is said to have started. In Ancient Greece all actors wore masks to show their character. Our plays are based on some of the myths and legends about the Gods and Kings of Ancient Greece.
Year 8 students are performing in small groups or pairs doing contemporary theatre involving conflict. They have taken on the challenge of expressing their characters emotions and working on facial expressions, gestures and vocal tone to tell their stories.
- Congratulations to all our performers and as we say in theatre – Break a leg!
Helen Jensen
Performing Arts Teacher