2023 Important Dates and Information

Thursday 6th April
Last day Term 1 Student's dismissed at 2.00pm
Easter Bonnet / Special hat Parade
On Thursday 6th April, our Prep students will take part in an Easter bonnet/special hat parade at school. All students across the school are invited to create bonnet/hat at home that they can wear to the parade. Year One to Eight students will cheer on the Prep students as they parade through the school. This will also be a great opportunity to recognise and celebrate our Prep students' first term of school. For this occasion, we would like to invite Prep parents to cheer on our Prep students. If our Prep parents would also like to get into the spirit, they can wear a bonnet or a special hat. This is entirely optional! Prep parents, please use the gate on Tylden Way. Parents will be able to view the parade on the sports field next to Tylden Way. The Parade will begin at 9.30
Monday 24th April
Term 2 Begins at 8.40am
Tuesday 25th April
ANZAC Day (Public Holiday) School Closed