Fantastic Food

Students in the Year 11 Food Tech class have been trialling various cooking techniques and looking at how, based on different religions, cultures and tribes, different ingredients are used around the world.


Each week, students have researched a specific religion, country, tribe or ingredient before creating a dish that fits the criteria. In Week Three, students used different types of beans to make 'any bean meatballs'. Each variety of meatballs was then judged through sensory analysis; rated on appearance, texture, aroma and taste. The most popular was the Red Kidney Bean Meatball.

Last week students were focusing on Hunter Gatherer tribes. This task required students to find a recipe that utilised two key ingredients, typically used in the cooking of their chosen tribe, before making the dish.  

This week, students were all using the same core ingredients (chicken breast, brown rice, onion, garlic, spinach, parsley and cherry tomatoes), however they had to use different herb/spice blends to flavour their chicken. Afterwards, the group shared their various dishes to compare the different flavours. Not only did the meals look delicious but the aromas wafting from the kitchen were amazing!