Student of the Week

Award being presented: 31st March 

00ANomination 1: Mercy - for always trying your best in the phonogram reviews. I love the way you always practice your phonograms, even when they can be a little tricky! Keep up the good work Mercy! 
Nomination 2: Harry - for being a kind and respectful classmate. You are such a great listener and always put your hand up when you have something to share! You are following our school values so well! Great work Harry! 
00BNomination 1: Carter - for always being a kind and empathetic friend both in and out of the classroom. It filled my bucket to hear that you were supporting one of your classmates during PE this week. You’re amazing Carter, keep it up!
Nomination 2: Cayson - for being a wonderful learner and showing his magnificent mathematical knowledge. He was able to show the number nine in many different ways including as a word, numeral, picture, on a number line, in a tens frame and on a domino. Keep up the amazing work Cayson! 
00CNomination 1: Jedidiah - for always being a great listener and raising his hand when he would like to share. You are always being respectful during class time. Keep up the awesome work!
Nomination 2: Sylvie - for always being a kind and caring classmate and  treating her peers with respect. Keep up the amazing work Sylvie!
00DNomination 1: Raven - for being a super boss of her pencil!
Nomination 2: Oliver - for his wonderful effort and attitude towards his learning. You work consistently and quietly when completing your tasks, and always try your best. Well done on being a wonderful learner!
00ENomination 1: Emme! Emme for being an incredible learner and participating in every lesson with enthusiasm and positivity. Well done, Emme! I am so impressed. 
Nomination 2: Ned - for your wonderful work with learning your phonograms. You show responsibility when you work so hard at your desk to complete your phonogram reviews so beautifully. Great job, Ned!



Nomination 1: Jade - for always looking for ways to help your friends and cheer them up. 
Nomination 2: Samuel - for always having a positive attitude towards his learning and encouraging others to do their best.
1BNomination 1: Mason - for having such a positive attitude towards his learning. You have impressed me this week as you have been such a responsible learner. I am so proud of you. Well done and keep up the brilliant work.
Nomination 2: Sierra - for doing a super job of coming into school by yourself. You have been so brave! I love seeing you each day as you share your stories with me. I am so proud of you. Well done and keep it up!
1CNomination 1: Miles - for your consistent effort during our Oral Phonogram reviews. It is great to see you confidently pronouncing the phonograms correctly and explaining why phonograms make certain sounds. 
Nomination 2: Jai - for making responsible decisions inside and outside of the classroom. It has been great to see you actively making better choices Jai. Keep up the great work. 
1DNomination 1:  Jaxon - for taking such care with his Written Phonogram Reviews.  Your letter formation has improved so much!  Keep up the super effort!
Nomination 2: Erika - for the way she works so hard every day.  Erika is a respectful, responsible learner and a great friend.
2ANomination 1: Caroline - for her kindness, friendliness and all the terrific effort she puts into her school work.
Nomination 2: Indie - for being so helpful and a wonderful friend to some of her peers when they were struggling with a task. 
2BNomination 1: Kim kim Hau Kim - for always including others in games and looking after them in the playground. Also for being a well organised, responsible learner and a good listener in the classroom.
Nomination 2: Samuel H - for increased dedication and focus on his learning, particularly during floor instruction. You have been working so hard on removing yourself from distractions and we are so proud of your efforts! Keep being the wonderful friend and learner that you are!
2CNomination 1: Amelia M  - for always including others in games and looking after them in the playground. Also for being a well organised, responsible learner and a good listener in the classroom.
Nomination 2: Jason G - for going out of his way to help others when adding up house points and in other Maths tasks.
3ANomination 1:Lenny P - for increased dedication and focus on his learning, particularly during floor instruction. You have been working so hard on removing yourself from distractions and we are so proud of your efforts! Keep being the wonderful friend and learner that you are!
Nomination 2: Aurora - for your valuable contributions to classroom discussions and your enthusiastic approach to your learning.  Also keeping Mrs Wells organised on a daily basis. Thanks secretary. 
3BNomination 1: Kale - for doing so well with our skip counting version of duck duck goose last week. What an amazing mathematician you are!
Nomination 2: Rosie - for using the WWW of friendships to navigate a friendship fire. Miss A is super proud of you for being so brave.
4ANomination 1: Oscar - nominated by 4A for always focusing on his learning, helping others and always showing our school values. You are a fantastic role model Oscar!
Nomination 2: Tilly - for your valuable participation in our classroom discussions and for working hard during our oral and written phonogram review. Keep up the great work. 
4BNomination 1: Raissa - for always being a respectful student in our classroom and out in the yard. Your peers appreciate your kindness and support. 
Nomination 2: Jordy - for your consistently kind and respectful nature towards your peers and teachers. It is lovely to have your positivity in the class.
4CNomination 1: Annie - nominated by 4C for being such a good sport when we play games. You are always fair and encourage the rest of the class. Thanks for being a great classmate!
Nomination 2: Clive: For your amazing attitude toward your work. You always try your best and seek help when you are unsure. You are such a great learner! Well done buddy!
5ANomination 1: Summer C - for writing a fantastic entertaining narrative piece called ‘Glitter’. You showed a real writer's voice. Keep up the great work! 
Nomination 2: Ricky G - for writing a creative narrative called ‘Glitter’ with an impressive storyline that was well thought out to entertain his audience. Keep up the great work! 
5BNomination 1: Abbey I - for using the Friend-o-cycle for helping solve friendship fires.
Nomination 2: Amaya I - for showing growth and perseverance with her maths understanding.
5CNomination 1: Ricky G - for always being committed to his learning by giving every task his best shot.
Nomination 2: Sophia B - for your kind and supportive interactions with classmates and for leading by your wonderful example.
6ANomination 1: Austin - for his incredible narrative writing that had us all on the edge of our seats. We can’t wait to hear what comes next!
Nomination 2: Matthew - for being a phenomenal role model in class and demonstrating our school values at all times. Miss Syme appreciates you and your respectful nature so much!
6BNomination 1: Kyra - for her excellent descriptive language in her writing and wonderful use of dynamic dialogue. Well done Kyra
Nomination 2: Ariane - for her excellent work ethic in the classroom. You continually produce excellent work to a high standard. Keep it up.
6CNomination 1: Kate L- for her dedication to her schoolwork and her leadership and positive role modelling to her peers.  
Nomination 2: Ryan T - for his excellent work ethic and also for his helpful  assistance with IT issues in the classroom



Nomination 1: Jessica M (5C) - for actively participating during Indonesian! Great learning progression, Jess!
Nomination 2: Ryder L (5C) - for showing us ‘when there is a will, there is way’ in learning another language! Bagus sekali, Ryder!
EALNomination 1: Rosy K 6A - for showing so much confidence in her reading and acting skills. Keep up the great effort Rosy. 
Nomination 2:
Performing Arts Nomination 1: Rhys W 2B - Despite having a very tough week, you were able to focus and produce some amazing designs for the Production Design Competition
Nomination 2: Josh R 5A - for demonstrating such commitment and enthusiasm for this year's production. I'm certain that you will shine on stage.



Nomination 1: Alison Q (6C) for being a great learner by seeking assistance and taking on advice to improve her work . 
Nomination 2: Erika L (6B)  for being a great learner by seeking assistance and taking on advice to improve her work . 
Physical Education Nomination 1: Sian K (FdA) for showing great care and support to a classmate by helping them run around the course.
Nomination 2: Esther S (6A) for having such a natural technique when performing triple jump. Super effort!!
Science and TechnologyNomination 1: Claudia B - for showing great initiative and dedication by coming in during recess and lunch times to catch up on work that she missed.
Nomination 2: Erica L - for coming in to help set up the Technology equipment every, single, morning! I truly appreciate your very generous help.