Chaplain’s Spot

Chaplain’s Spot

Inspirational and Challenging Quotes


Here are some quotes that can be very helpful as we navigate our daily life. Sometimes we are struggling with things that life seems to throw at us. We need some wise advice to help us be strong to cope with these situations. You may have heard of some already. 


How do you feel about yourself? You are special, just as you are! 

Think about your choices – about your life, and others. 


Always be ready to learn and grow – it can be tough, but it’s rewarding.

Find peace in letting go, and choosing our reactions.


These types of quotes can help us  have power over our life, where we might not have had that power before. Such quotes can be found on Google – under ‘inspirational quotes’.

Go and be inspired!

Meal Train roster: There are still dates available for those preparing our weekly emergency meal in Term 1 – March 27 and April 3. The link is:


Toast Tuesday roster: We have one space left in Term 1: April 4.

We have 2nd hand stocks of most uniform items, and these are available every Tuesday form 8am at Toast Tuesday at the Sports & Performance Centre. If you need any items, come then or let me know and I can set aside items for you to collect. Gold coin donation.  


FRIDAY FUN: Today’s joke is: “As you get older, three things happen. The first is your memory goes, and I can’t remember the other two.” [Sir Norman Wisdom]


Contact: If you need to contact me, you can email, phone, or see me on my days as listed.


Alan Silverwood: Chaplain - Pastoral care for our community. [Monday, Tuesday, Friday]


Supporting the School community in emotional, social, spiritual and practical wellbeing. 

Our Chaplaincy program is funded by the Federal Government’s ‘National Student Wellbeing Program’, the GRPS School Council and donations.