St Brigid's News and Events

Great Work Islah
Islah S and Miss Richards have been working hard reading a book called Revolting Recipes. At the end of the book Islah made up her own revolting sandwich called Islah's Delightful Sandwich. I don't think I want to try Islah's sandwich, would you?
Scholastic Book Club
Catalogues for the lastest issue have been sent home this week. Orders close on Friday 17 March. A reminder that we can no longer accept cash orders. All orders are to be made online.
Ban on Plastic Spoons and Forks
In line with the recent bans on plastic spoons and forks we will no longer be able to provide spoons and forks with their hot food.
If your child orders food from the tuckshop or brings food from home that requires a spoon or fork we are asking that you please supply it from home.
We are happy to support this move towards a more sustainable future.