Community News 

Connor's Run

Kilvington has been a proud supporter of the RCD Foundation-Robert Connor Dawes through Connor's run.

While the run couldn't go ahead in its usual format because of lockdown restrictions, students and staff had t-shirts delivered to them, and then ran or walked on their own or with a friend or family member.

As a result of their efforts, they have raised a staggering amount of just over $14,000! We are so proud! Well done! 

You can also watch a post-run reel of our International Student Coordinator Mr Alan Clarke here.





Footy Colours Day winner and donation to the JDRF 

Jacqui Goldenberg, Community Service Director 


This Friday, we encouraged students to participate in Footy Day by wearing either their favourite team’s football colours or a favourite sport attire. 


As part of the event, a St Kilda jumper was donated by Jordan Tassone in Year 12, and the lucky winner of the footy jumper was Indie Vienet from Year 7! Many thanks Jordan for organising this fabulous prize.

If you are able to make a donation to the JDRF, (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation) in memory of Lachie Cook (class of 2021), that would be much appreciated. Thanks to all those who have made a donation.

Judy Allen award 

Nominations open on 17 September for the prestigious Judy Allen Award. This annual award is presented to a member of the KGS community who has made an outstanding contribution to the School for over a 5-year period. Nominations close on 18 October. 

Please find the nomination criteria and form below. 

Melinda Tankard Reist Training for Parents - 30 September 

Jewish Care is hosting a session, delivered by Melinda Tankard-Reist, for parents called Too Much Too Young. The presenters will explore practical ways parents can help to protect young people from the impacts of toxic media, and support respectful relationships and healthy self-image.


It will be held on Thursday 30 September from 7.30 - 9.00pm on Zoom. You can register here for the session. 


SchoolTV special report: The wellbeing barometer

SchoolTV has been supporting families and schools for quite some time now by providing guidance and information to help alleviate some of the challenges faced by young people, especially during the pandemic. 


In this Special Report, we are seeking parent participation through a short survey. The survey is designed to assist the School to provide a barometer on the state of wellbeing within the community. 


The information gathered will assist in focusing on the key issues affecting students and discovering where further assistance may be required. We encourage all parents and carers to spend a few moments completing the survey. This will help with understanding the nature and extent of your concerns and determine how best to support our community.  


Please reflect on the information offered in this Special Report, and as always, we welcome your feedback. If this raises any concerns for you, a loved one, or the wellbeing of your child, please seek medical or professional help. 


Here is the link to your Special Report.  

Your School account details

A reminder that all of your School account financial details can be found in KCEE through the Parent Portal and by clicking on the Finance tab at the top of the page.


Quarterly billing statements will continue to be sent via email, but if you would like to see your family's current overall balance in addition to receipts of payment and past statements, you can access these at any time through the Parent Portal.

Herald Sun ranking of Victorian schools 

The Herald Sun has ranked Victorian schools based on their 2020 VCE results and other indicators. We rank 23rd in the top 100 which is a terrific result.