Wellbeing Wednesday

Junior School wellbeing wednesday 

Chris Barr, Head of Junior School


This Friday brings us to the final day of Term 3. While not the way we envisaged it to end, we are grateful for the events we were able to participate in throughout the term including the Camps and our Prep students celebrating their first 100 days at School. Not to mention the opportunities remotely, such as virtual excursions, assemblies, wellbeing days, and the wonderful learning experiences students have engaged with. 



We have implemented a set time each week to focus on wellbeing. By setting a scheduled time to intentionally focus on our wellbeing, we hope to develop life-long skills for both students and families that emphasise the importance of looking after ourselves to ensure we feel good, function well and do good. 


For Wellbeing Wednesday on 8 September, students competed in an inter-House physical activity challenge, where they completed a number of physical tasks. 

Then on September 15, students completed a whole range of fun activities from baking to dancing. See the grid below for all the activities. We hope everyone had a great time! 

Applying the theme of diligence 

Matt Brinson, Head of Senior School 


The themes highlighted by the above images not only represent diligence, our character word of the semester, but also the collective success of making it through a challenging term. 


The first image came from the School Leaders, and the second on from Mrs Goldenberg. Take it one day at a time and celebrate the small successes every day!

Self-care tip - reach out to a friend

One way to self-care – reach out to a friend today and have a chat about something good!

Have a great holiday 

We made it through Term 3! May you all have time these holidays to spend time with others.