The Learning Zone

The Learning Zone - Mrs Holland, Leader of Pedagogy/Assistant Principal

Welcome to the 2021 new school year! I hope you all had a wonderful, relaxing school holiday break and spent some precious time with family and friends.  The first few days of a new school year are always filled with excitement as children reconnect with their friends and classmates and share news of what they did in the holidays. 


Staff returned last Wednesday and spent three busy days of professional learning.  We completed First Aid training, explored our Annual Improvement Plan, Mission Statement, Code of Conduct, NSW Government Child Safe Standards and learnt more about the exciting new MaST (Mathematics Specialist Teacher) project.  Staff have also been working hard to plan and prepare for the return of students and were delighted to welcome them back today. 


Mrs McManus and Mrs Cuthbertson are currently conducting the Best Start Assessment with each new Kindergarten student.  This assessment checks early literacy and numeracy skills and the results will determine student learning needs.  Kinder parents will also receive feedback on ways they can support their child’s learning at home. We will warmly welcome our new Kindergarten class for their first official day as a group on Thursday 4th February. Starting school is such a big milestone and we look forward to supporting our new students and their families throughout their primary years.

Home Reading

St Joseph’s values, supports and encourages reading practices both at school and at home. Again this year, all classes will continue the structured home reading program.  The aim of our home reading program is for children to enjoy reading and being read to, while practising some of the skills and strategies they have learnt at school.


This week each child will bring home a ‘reader’ (book) in a clear plastic wallet.  Also contained in the wallet will be an information sheet containing useful information and strategies to help and guide you when reading with your child at home.  A good procedure for home reading with younger students is for the adult to first read the book to their child, then read it together (point to each word as it is read).  As children become familiar with sounds and sight words, they will begin to read independently to you.  All students are encouraged to read every day and may change their reader as needed. 


Thank you in advance for your assistance with facilitating reading at home. 


Attached below is a copy of the Home Reading Information Sheet.

Kind regards,

Maree Holland