school life 

hands-on fractions in JB


In Unit JB (along with the rest of the Junior School) we have been learning about fractions in maths. Specifically, we are focussing on understanding halves, quarters and eighths. We have learnt that a fraction is part of a total or whole. This week we explored fractions of a whole through some hands on, real life problem solving. 


With the Junior Camp Night coming up (and a pizza dinner) we made our own paper pizzas and recorded the ingredients used. Some students also challenged themselves by solving the following questions:

If each person eats 2 pieces of pizza… 

  • How many people would 1 pizza feed?
  • How many pizzas would be needed for our class of 20?
  • How many pizzas would be needed for 147 people? (the amount of students in the Junior School)

When solving these questions students applied their knowledge of multiplication/repeated addition, division/sharing and fractions.


In groups, we also worked together to create our own mudpie recipes using fractions of a cup (whole cup, ½ cup etc.) to record the required amount for each ingredient. Students really enjoyed experimenting by mixing and measuring solids and liquids.



Something Jess learnt this week- mudpies can sometimes look far more delicious than pizzas! Pineapple on pizza… bleh!