Teaching & Learning

   Effective Curriculum Design

I am delighted to share the terrific accomplishment of all teachers at Greater Shepparton Secondary College with regard to Effective Curriculum Design for our final newsletter in 2020. The teachers have successfully written a brand new innovative and authentic curriculum for Year 8 and Year 10 students in 2021. We now have a common and consistent curriculum for all Core and Elective subjects for Years 7 -10.


All teachers at Greater Shepparton Secondary College are to be commended on their hard work, dedication and persistence. Writing a new, innovative and authentic curriculum is challenging and time consuming in a year that is deemed as ‘normal’. Our teachers at GSSC developed our new curriculum in the unprecedented year of a pandemic. This is amazing work by a team of dedicated teachers and brilliant leadership from our nine domain Leaders: Sarah Pollard (English), Megan Dixon (EAL), Craig Parker (Humanities), Hadleigh Sirett (Health/PE), Lachlan Gallacher (Music), Nathan Saddlier (Arts/Technology), Languages (Carla Stevens), Tara Richardson (Mathematics), Sarah Beattie (Science). 


To ensure that our curriculum is of the highest quality GSSC have undertaken a rigorous accreditation process (this is undertaken on an annual basis). I have led each of the Accreditation Teams through professional learning around the accreditation criteria and worked with each of the teams to produce a feedback report for each Core and Elective Year 8 and Year 10 subject. All feedback reports have been completed and distributed to all teachers who have written the course curriculum. The Accreditation Teams completed a record number of 85 Accreditation Reports – this is a brilliant accomplishment by the Accreditation Teams.


The Accreditation Teams consist of the Teaching and Learning Associate Principal, the Teaching and Learning Assistant Principals, Literacy and Numeracy Learning Specialists, Domain Leaders and Assistant Domain Leaders:

Domain Leaders will now lead their teams to make the necessary alterations based on the feedback in the reports. There will also be targeted professional learning planned for 2021 around common areas for growth that were identified through the Accreditation Process. The PLC (Professional Learning Communities) process that will be implemented in 2021 will also provide an excellent vehicle for team collaboration and growth in the required areas. Please find below the GSSC Curriculum Progression Experience:

I would like to wish all of our Staff, students, families, and the entire GSSC community a fabulous Christmas and a sensational New Year!


Megan Michalaidis

Associate Principal of Teaching & Learning