From the Office 

News From the Principal

Welcome back to Term 3 at Raywood Primary School. As usual, we have lots of things happening this term and are really looking forward to providing our students with a wide range of learning experiences, both at school and beyond the school gate. 

With so much happening this term, it is important that families read each newsletter carefully and respond to any requests to fill in permission slips or other forms.

In addition to our innovative classroom programs (which include individual student point of need teaching with lots of hands-on and student-led learning), we have the following occurring this term:

  • Kelly Sports  Sessions each Friday 
  • Whole School Excursion to Melbourne
  • Visit from Raywood Fire Brigade
  • Music/Drama Specialist sessions commencing (mid term 3) 
  • Breakfast Club each Friday morning before school
  • Cluster Science Day (to be hosted by our school)
  • A 100 Days of Prep Celebration Day
  • New Playground (Stage 1) installation
  • School Photo Day
  • Hosting a Teddy Bear's Picnic for the Raywood Playgroup (to be confirmed) 
  • Cluster Athletics for Years 3-6
  • Book Week Dress Up Day 
  • Bunnings BBQ and Cookie Dough Fundraising Events

100 Days of Prep 

We believe that 100 Days of Prep is worth celebrating, and so celebrate we will. On Wednesday July 26th we invite ALL of our students and staff to come along to school dressed as they think they will look when they reach the ripe old age of 100. Will you be grey, bald, have a beard, be on a walking frame or have a cane? What will your clothes be

 like when you are an old person?  We will organise some fun

 activities based around the number 100 and enjoy a 100 themed based morning tea. Most of all, we will celebrate our two wonderful Preps, who will be the centre of attention for the day! 


School council News

Cookie Dough Fundraising Event

As mentioned in the previous newsletter, Council has decided to run a Cookie Dough Fundraiser to help off-set the cost of camps for our Year 3-6 students. Information  will be sent home on Friday to each family about this event, and we encourage families to take orders from extended family and friends, so that it is not just reliant on our families supporting this event. We will also be placing order information at the local post office and garage. Ordering online is the most straight forward way for people to order, but if people would prefer we can place the order on your behalf (just let us know what you would like to order) and payment can be made directly to school via bank transfer or cash. Any questions regarding this fundraiser can be directed to Lisa or Bree. This fundraiser officially begins on July 21st and you will be able to order from that date until August 17th. 

As  outlined in the information to be sent home, families can set up their own Fundraising Page to order from and share with family and friends. However, if families find it easier, they can use the link below to order from. It has been set up in a student's name, but rest assured any prizes gained from orders will be shared amongst our students and not necessarily go to this individual student.



A reminder that our next School Council Meeting will be held on Monday July 24th at 5pm at the school. Our August meeting is set for Monday August 28th and there will not be a September Meeting.

Melbourne Bound- Friday August 11th


Please do not forget to log into uEducateus to provide permission for our upcoming whole school excursion to Melbourne. As explained in our previous newsletter, we will visit two exciting venues. We will visit ACMI (Australian Centre for the Moving Image) to explore an exhibit on Screen Culture as well as the other general exhibits. We will then head skyward to visit the Eureka Skydeck and experience their 6D cinema to get a unique tour of Melbourne. We will be traveling from Bendigo Station by V-Line Train, as it is easier to

navigate to our venues this way. This is a low cost excursion as we successfully applied for travel subsidies. All the details families need are on uEducateus- we ask families to read, sign and organise payment before August 7th. We are looking forward to a fabulous day as a whole school! 


Enrolments for 2024

We are now accepting enrolments for next year. So if you know anyone in the local area that is looking to enrol a Prep for next year or looking at changing schools for their child/ren in any other year level, please encourage them to make contact with us.

We are happy to have families tour the school, facilitate "Come and Try Days", send out our information booklet or any other means that help families make a decision about their child/ren's education. 

We really have so much to offer our students in terms of a comprehensive and innovate curriculum, diverse programs  and extra curricula opportunities. I am confident that if we can encourage families to take a look at what we can offer, that they will be impressed. 

East Loddon Food Share Open Day

Wednesday July 19th will see our school once again host this fantastic initiative. Come along with a shopping bag and $5 (donation)  to purchase grocery items and food staples. A great way to boost your Winter pantry, fridge and freezer at an extremely low cost. This donation of $5 goes toward helping East Loddon Food Share with their work in supporting our community. This event is open to anyone in the surrounding area, so tell your friends and family and come along on Wednesday, you will find it set up in the stadium from 11am


That's all for this week- Lisa Duffy































