Health and Physical Education 

Ms Rogneda's Report 

Year 7 Swimming and Water Safety excursion 

During Term 2 all Year 7 classes as part of the Health and Physical Education program participated in the exciting Swimming and Water Safety program at the Reservoir Leisure Centre. The students participated in the four period session focused on developing their swimming and water safety skills, including a swimming lesson, water safety theory and pool games. Students thoroughly enjoyed the practical life saving strategies, including real life skills they could use an emergency situations around the water. 


There was an option for students to attempt to get their Victorian Water Safety certificate if they can meet the benchmark. Congratulations to the following students who successfully met the benchmark and will be receiving their certificate soon: Ori Cerveri-Ward, Noah De Angelis, Shaan Cheema, Cameron Runciman, April Proctor, Sonali Reniguntala, Tyson Turker, Ivan Chih, Amrit Khurmi, Gunreer Singh, Ivy Olszewski, James Carroll, Maya Talevski, Lily Harris, Cameron Freitag, Nathan Peach and Benan Atar.


Kind regards,

Ms. Jayde Rogneda (She/Her)

Health & Physical Education Leader

Student Leadership Coordinator