From the Principal's Desk

It's a Boy
Congratulations to Mrs Chantel Simon (Year 1/2B) and her husband Aaron on the safe arrival of Alessio Aaron born around 5:40 pm yesterday evening.
We had been waiting all week for some news from our two staff members on maternity leave so it was a great way to finish the day.
Chantel, being as super organised as always, had messages and photos sent out to family and friends well before bed and even had the time to pose for a couple of special photos for our newsletter. We can't wait to meet him in person!
Student Reports & Portfolios
On Friday 23rd June children will receive their Student Report for Semester 1 2023. It reports student achievement against the achievement standards set out in the Victorian Curriculum F-10, including an indication of student progress against the age-related expected level of achievement. As a Catholic School, this document also reports to our Religious Education Framework.
At Corpus Christi School, Religious Education, English, Mathematics, Physical Education, LOTE (Italian), Visual Art and Personal & Social Capabilities will be reported on each semester. All other Learning Areas and Capabilities will be reported on annually in relation to what has been taught in a particular semester, or once students have been sufficiently immersed in the learning.
As is custom, the Student Report will be placed in your child's portfolio. We ask that you read the report in conjunction with the learning samples included in the portfolio to gain a full picture of your child's successes across the first part of the year.
We ask that you return the portfolio at the commencement of next term so that we can continue the compilation.
Sushi Day
Orders are now CLOSED for our Sushi Day to be held next Monday 19th June.
Grand Final
Congratulations to our Year 5/6 Mixed Netball team who have made it through to the grand final and will play Footscray West this Friday at Footscray West PS. The game will start at approximately 12:30 pm and we wish them all the best.
Learning Expo
Next Wednesday 21st June families are invited to attend our world-renowned Learning Expo!
Operating between 3:30 pm and 4:30 pm, you will be able to immerse yourself in a world of games and bugs as you explore each year level's STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics) projects.
Your children may want to pack a 'little something extra' in their lunch boxes to get them through the extended day.
Be sure to mark this date in your diary and be prepared to learn, discover and explore!
Community Garden
For some time now our Kitchen Garden has been largely unused (mainly because of the lack of access to water) and is desperately in need of some love.
So with the massive water tank and pump now operable... we are opening the garden up to families (who may not have the space at home) who would like to 'stake a claim' to a plot of land.
There are six garden beds available for use and we would love to see the area utilised. Interested families are asked to contact the office for further details.
Please be reminded that students are to wear black school shoes with the regular school uniform. The upcoming school holidays may prove the perfect opportunity to replace worn-out shoes. All children are expected to be in full winter uniform upon their return to school.
God bless
Anthony Hyde