LAST CHANCE TO APPLY FOR THE 2023 CSEF    (Camps, Sports & Excursions Fund)


Are you the holder of a means-tested concession card?


Are you a temporary foster parent?


If so, you may be eligible to receive $125 to use towards school expenses relating to camps, excursions or sporting activities for the benefit of your child.


How to Apply:

If you applied for the CSEF at THIS school in 2022, you do not need to complete an application form in 2023 unless there has been a change in your family circumstances.


You only need to complete an application form if:

· your child has enrolled at our school this year (don’t forget to apply for the sibling of a previously enrolled child)

· you did not apply in 2022 (you were not eligible, or you missed the closing date)

· there has been a change of custody arrangements

· there has been a change of name or concession card number.


Application forms are available from the school office or may be downloaded from the link below.


Eligibility Dates for New Applications:

To be eligible, your card must be valid as at the first day of Term 1 (27 January) or Term 2 (24 April) 2023. 

APPLICATIONS CLOSE Thursday, 22 June 2023.


If There is Shared Custody:

The CSEF system only allows one application per student. Parents/carers in shared custody situations (who both hold a concession card) must decide beforehand who applies for the CSEF at the school on behalf of the relevant student. Schools are not required to arbitrate this decision.


For more information about the CSEF, please visit                                                                                                     https://www2.education.vic.gov.au/pal/camps-sports-and-excursions-fund/resources. 

or enquire at the school.