From the APRIM

Paula Burns

Sacrament of First Holy Communion

On Saturday 24th June we celebrated the Sacrament of First Holy Communion as a Parish family. We congratulate Mateo, Tiana, Agnes and Jhay Jhay on receiving the gift of their First Holy Communion.


NAIDOC Week takes place across Australia from Sunday 2nd July to Sunday 9th July 2023.

During this time Australians celebrate and recognise the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.  The theme for NAIDOC Week this year is For Our Elders

We honored this special week with a variety of activities throughout the school. 

On Wednesday we invited parents to come along and join in with us as we enjoyed the delicious damper each class had made. 

On Friday (the last day of term 2) the students are invited to wear clothing reflecting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture.



On Tuesday 4th July, we had a whole school excursion to The Parks theatre to watch the amazing show, Out in the Woods performed by the students at OLSH college . The excitement was high, the show was immense, and the student's enjoyment was evident. 

Parish Gala

Clear your diaries for a fun-filled evening! On Friday 4th August, the Parish are hosting a Gala event from 7 pm to late. This is an adult-only event with supper and entertainment included in the $25 ticket fee. If you would like to attend please contact Rachael De Tulio or Paula Burns. Donations for prizes, are also being sought if you can help. ALL PROCEEDS RAISED TOWARDS PARISH MAINTENANCE.



Yours in Love Peace and Learning

Paula Burns

Assistant Principal Religious Identity and Mission