Secondary School News

Secondary School News



Term 3

It's hard to believe that it's already halfway through the term! So far, we've seen our Year 10 students head into the workforce for two weeks. It was incredible to see them all being successful in the work environment. 


Over the next two weeks our Year 10 students will be completing their panel interviews at Wurun, deciding which subjects, pathways and programmes they'd like to participate in 2024. We wish them all the best of luck as they make these decision and participate in the subject selection process.


It's been an absolute pleasure for myself and Lori to conduct the Year 9 Enhancement interviews this week for students applying to do a VCE or VET subject early. We have been really inspired by the passion and dedication each applicant has shown and articulated in their decision making, interest and career links to their enhancement subject interview. Congratulations to all the Year 9 students who have participated.


This week 8A is presenting their Year 8 Projects as the final class for 2023. Audiences at the 8B presentation a couple of weeks ago were blown away by the students individual development and final outcomes. 


As we move forward to the second half of this term, we have lots of exciting events coming up. Book Week, Cultural Day, Year 9 Steiner Hattah Camp and Swing into Spring. It will be wonderful to see all of our students and connecting with our wider community through music, actives and food! 


Great work to all of our students for the reminder of Term 3 as we all enjoy the warmer weather approaching!


Kind Regards,

Angela Watters

Secondary Assistant Principal






INSTRUMENTS FOR SALE (updated 15 February) - Contact Person - Steve Wu


Please click on the attachment below to see a list of Stringed instruments for sale. If you have an instrument for sale please email Steve at:







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