Year 3/4

We have had an absolute blast these last two terms. We have completed Bike Ed, Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program, Swimming, learnt about Ancient Rome, written information reports, learnt about fractions and so much more! It has been a pleasure to teach 3/4N this year. I wish them all the best with their future learning, and I know they will have a fantastic time with Wiley for semester two.
Here are some of our highlights:
Claire- My favourite thing this year has been doing the Ancient Rome projects.
Ivy- I have enjoyed doing my project on Cleopatra.
Darcy- This year I have liked doing our projects and PE.
Arturo- My favourite thing this year has been making my slide show for my project and PE.
Grace- I have enjoyed doing my project on Julius Caesar.
Remi- My favourite thing this year has been doing our Ancient Rome projects and information reports.
Aleah- I have liked doing my project on Julius Caesar.
Rowan- My favourite thing this year has been doing PE, Art and playing tiggy with my friends at play time.
Spencer- This year I have enjoyed doing my project on Julius Caesar.
Brayden- My favourite thing that we have done this year is my project on Julius Caesar and PE.
Zak- I have enjoyed doing our projects and PE.
Renato- My favourite thing this year has been doing my project and learning how to research on the Chromebooks.
Viola- I really enjoyed learning about Ancient Rome. I did my project on Cleopatra. I also, like learning about persuasive texts.
Mikayla- My favourite thing about this year has been the animal information reports.
Ella- I have liked doing the animal information reports best because we got to learn about the animal.
Sophie- I really like writing. I especially liked doing my information report.
Tahlia- My favourite thing this year has been learning about Ancient Rome.
Oakley- My favourite things are PE, Art, information reports and projects.
Thomas- My favourite things this term has been doing my project and PE.
This term has been jam packed with learning and fun in 3/4T. The students have really enjoyed the topic of Ancient Rome. We have looked at how the city was founded and how it became a powerhouse as well as some of the key people throughout its history.
The students did a great job with their term projects and presented them to the class. There were some understandable nerves but overall the quality of the work was something worth celebrating. A big thank you must go to the people at home who helped and listened to some rehearsals. The growth in students confidence has been amazing.
During this term we also looked at information reports and spoke about their purpose. The students were able to produce multiple reports in a range of ways including documents, presentations and posters.
I hope everyone enjoys the upcoming break and I look forward to Term 3.