Year 1/2

We are nearing the end of Term 2 and it has been a busy time in our 1/2 classrooms. We have been focusing on 2D and 3D shapes and place value in Maths. Students have really enjoyed the hands-on activities and consolidating their learning through different activities. To complete our Indigenous Unit, students are finishing off their dreamtime stories that they collaborated with a group of 3 to 4 people. They have followed the process of planning, drafting and now illustrating and publishing. Some of the titles include, 'How the lizard got a blue tongue', and 'The creation story of the Echidna'. We are looking forward to sharing the end product. We have been focusing on fluency in Reading. Students practised a Reader's Theatre script about Tiddalick the frog (another Indigenous dreamtime story). Student performed it to the class confidently and gave each other feedback on how to improve for next time.
Last Friday night, many of us put on our dancing shoes and disco wear. The night was full of fantastic vibes, where students really got involved with a positive attitude. We would like to say a huge thank-you to the parents for organised this event, it was a huge success. Students were still talking about it on Monday morning.
As a culmination to our Indigenous Australians topic, the students worked individually or in pairs to plan, write and illustrate their own creation story. They studied a series of books by the indigenous author, Gregg Dreise, each of which had an underlying wellbeing message. They also participated in a special Indigenous play-based learning incursion organised by Jenna.
In Mathematics, we’ve been exploring the properties of 2- and 3-dimensional shapes through hands on activities. It was terrific to see the students persist when making skeleton 3D shapes, such as prisms, cubes and pyramids, with play dough and matchsticks, and work cooperatively when using the various 2D shapes to create 3D shapes using the' Unboxy materials.
Have a wonderful mid-year break!