The Grumpiest Boy

On Thursday 22nd June our 3/4s travelled to the Arts Centre to watch a play titled The Grumpiest Boy this was part of our first call fund program which meant it was a free experience. While we were there we got to check out the Animal Adventure Stories that the 5/6s have been working on too! Over to the students to tell you about their day.... (some students didn't have much time but it was a great effort to do this on our return😉)
My day in the Melbourne Art Centre
The seating.
When we when in the Art Centre we walked down the stairs and when we got in the playhouse the staff told us where to sit l sat on number four (4).
When the show started.
When the show started, Zakeri had a good imagination Zakeri drew a person called Dot a, drawing from Zakeri's imagination Dot had lots of hair.
The 2nd person from Zakeris imagination was the Sleepy bird it looked like a real bird!
The 3rd person from Zakeris imagination was Jelly faced squirrel monkey.
The Jelly faced squirrel monkey had roller skates and a squirrel tail. -Elis
The grumpiest boy in the world was a really good show. I love his imaginative mind and I loved the end. I did not expect that he would slam the door and become the king of grump land. It was short but sweet! - Harriette 3/4T
The Grumpiest Boy In The World- Ella
It was a fun experience to go to the Melbourne arts centre, mainly because of the opera that was being held there. It was held in the playhouse. The main character was Zachary Briddling and he got angry because all the characters had something in common and he wanted to not be “special” and “unique”. The play had cool effects that made the play look more realistic every second we watched it. The characters were moving and placing items as the stage grew darker, which made some classmates wonder what happened.
The Characters:
Here is a list of all the characters in The Grumpiest Boy In The World.
Zachary Briddling; He was the main character and was The Grumpiest Boy In The World
The Giant; A character from Zachary’s mind who was around 6-7times his own size
The Mini Zacharies; A character from Zacahry’s mind who were mini versions of Zachary
Dot The Girl With Too Much Hair; A character from Zachary’s mind who had too much hair
The Jelly-Faced Squirrel Monkey; A character from Zachary’s imagination who was a “cross-breed”
Zachary’s Mom; Zachary’s mother
Zachary’s Dad; Zachary’s father
Scientist 1 & 2; They examine how ordinary Zachary is.
Grump 1 & 2; They were the main characters for grumptown
The Corus; They did the music for the play
The Side Characters:
A few characters in the play were not as important as others, so they were not mentioned in The Characters section of this document.
The Grumpiest boy in the world! Renato
Today, Thursday the 22 of June we watched the grumpiest boy in the world. You're probably thinking that it was a movie but it wasn't. It was a movie with real people acting.
Up on the stage there was Zak and his mum and dad, there were his schoolmates and his imagination there was Giant, Dot and Jelly face Squirrel monkey. I was putting my hand up to say a question I didn't get picked but my question was how did you get the idea to make the movie?
My personal review of the Grumpiest Boy in the World is that if they were trying to be funny it would make me laugh. When the giant came on, I knew it was going to be more like a musical because they thought that kids wouldn't like proper operas. It gave me a message that even if you're angry you can still use your imagination. -Liv
Today we went to the Art Centre in Melbourne and saw the grumpiest boy in the world. It was really fun and exciting. -Chelsea
I went to the Melbourne Art Center. I got row M and seat 27. The performance was The Grumpiest Boy In The World. The show lasted 50 minutes. Also we had some Q&A at the end. Then we had lunch. After launch I played Amogus and on the way back I saw Marvel Stadium.-Levi
When we got there and we ate some of our recess and then we went in to go to the toilet but on the way there was a red carpet and stairs to get down to the theater. -Kenzie
Today on Thursday 3\4N and 3\4T went to the Art Centre we watched the Grumpiest boy in the world.- Brayden
We went to the Melbourne Art Centre! There was a red carpet with golden pillars. We saw the Eureka tower and Australia 108. Australia 108 is 316 metres tall and the Eureka tower is 297 metres tall. -Arturo
I went to Melbourne to the Art Centre to see a play it was fun and funny.
Review 3 stars.- Bailey
Today I went to the Art Centre to watch the Grumpiest Boy in the World.
4 star review. My favourite part of it was... Noah