Principal's Report

Term 3 draws to a close and a busy term it has been with swimming for all year levels, performing arts excursions, sporting events and of course lots of teaching and learning. A big thank you to the parents who organised our School Disco last week and also to the staff who provided supervision and support on the night.
Here a some of the events we are looking forward to in term 3...
Whole School Indigenous Sports Day
Preps are cooking and gardening in our SAKG program
Year 1 to 6 - Cybersafety incursion - Zana and the lost code
100 days of Prep celebrations
Science Day
Year 6 Team - Young Leaders Day
Book Week and dress up day
Year 3/4 Camp to Anglesea
Indigenous Literacy Day
Year 1/2 excursion to the Arts Centre to see "Waru the Turtle" performance
Curriculum Day - Friday 16th August - Staff completing Module 3 Berry Street Education model
Great library news! Vanessa is very pleased to let everyone know that 100 newly processed and covered books are now on the shelves for our students to borrow. Thank you Vanessa for working hard to get these out into our library collection! Here are just a few of our great new books including some beautiful indigenous picture story books.
This week we enjoyed a visit from Renee our Koorie Education Support Officer (KESO) who brought some fabulous indigenous items for our students to share and investigate in our Play Based Learning sessions for years Prep/1/2. Thank you Renee, we always look forward to your visits and support of LPS!
School Council
At our most recent School Council meeting we ratified the following updated policies and these can be found on our school website.
LPS Statement of Values and School Philosophy
Mobile Phones and other devices
Homework Guidelines
Yard Duty and Supervision
Some news from the Lancefield Townhouse and Food Share. Everyone is encouraged to support and utilise this fabulous resource in our town. You can purchase fresh food and groceries as well as support the project with donations. Go and check out what is available and you could make some real savings on your grocery bill. Everyone is welcome!