Principal's Message

Mr Cameron Jones


This week, staff at Roselea will be engaging in deep professional learning about the High Potential Gifted Education policy. As a part of a 3 hour after school session, our staff will engage with the latest research-based strategies and practices to identify, differentiate instruction and provide tailored support to our high potential gifted students. We firmly believe that by fostering their unique talents and addressing their individual learning needs, we can create a thriving learning environment that empowers every student to reach their full potential.



Semester 1 reports will come home on Wednesday 28th June. The reports will inform you about your child’s learning and progress in all Key Learning Areas, using the NSW Department of Education prescribed scale of achievement. The Key Learning Areas include: English, Mathematics, Science & Technology, History and Geography, Personal Development Health and Physical Education (PDHPE) and Creative Arts.


If you have any questions after receiving your child’s report, please contact your child’s teacher.



We strongly encourage students to get to school well before the start of the school day at 9.00am. Students can arrive at school any time after 8.30am as we have a teacher on duty from 8.30am. 


Recently, I have noticed many students coming to school well before 8.30am. This is not allowed because we don’t have any supervision before this time. If you need to drop your child off before this time, I suggest you contact Roselea Student Care centre on 0437 999 215. They will be happy to help you out. 


Thank you for your help.



Every day matters, right until the last day of term.


There are still 3 weeks of learning left and it is really important for students to come to school every single day, unless they are sick.


Every day at school boosts student learning and confidence and helps them build and maintain friendships.


A reminder that planned travel should only be taken during school holidays and students should be at school every day during school term, right from beginning to end.

Missing a day here or there may not seem like much, but absences add up. Every day matters and we are here to support all students in attending and engaging with their learning every day of the term.


Principal Awards

Principal Bronze Award