Teaching and Learning

Nearing the End of the Term

At this time of the term, students have been busily completing assessments across different areas of the curriculum This enables teachers to complete reports that accurately reflect each student's learning. It is a wonderful time to reflect on, and celebrate, individual success with students and their families. Reports will be available for parents and carers on Thursday 22nd June.


In the classroom we also reflect after each lesson. Students are developing their independence to think about what they may have done well in their learning, how they are working towards their learning goal, or have demonstrated achieving their goal. They are encouraged to think about what they are learning (the Learning Intention) or how they have achieved it (the Success Criteria) for the lesson. Students can also think about what has challenged them about a lesson. Reflections are a valuable source of information for teachers regarding their students' learning and what they need to do to support them further. 


At home, you might ask your child how their day was, a reflection of a different kind and generating a different kind of answer to the classroom. What they have in common is that they both give your child an opportunity to share their thinking aloud.