Deputy News 

"It takes  a village" 

 Dear Parents and families, 


This week I have had the pleasure of meeting many parents during Program Support Meetings (PSG's). In my role as Learning Diversity Leader, I support teachers in creating Personalised Learning Plans and setting goals for any students that require additional support. It is wonderful to support so many families on their Sacred Heart journey and celebrate the achievements these students have made this term. It is a credit to all the teachers and Learning Support Officer's (LSO's) for the incredible work they are doing everyday in the classroom by offering support and adjustments for these students. Every year we collect evidence for the NCCD . This data is used as part of our funding to support our students.


What is the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data?


Schools must now complete the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on school students with a Disability (NCCD) every year. It counts the number of students who receive additional adjustments or “help” at school because of a disability. The NCCD helps governments plan for the needs of students with disability. If you would like any further information on the NCCD Nationally Consistent Collection of Data plaese refer to the attachment or come and have  a chat to me. 




George Ivanoff Author talk

Yesterday we were privledged to have George Ivanoff, the Author of  Monster Island and many other 'Choose your own adventure books'. George was fun and engaging and took us on a journey of how he gets inspiration for his writing. He kindly stayed back to answer questions and signed the books students had purchased. If you missed out and would like to purchase anymore books, please go to Ulysses Bokstore in Hampton St, Hampton and Tracey will help you buy a limited signed copy!




Last Friday and last Wednesday some of our year 4 students visited our local Kinder, Nagle. Miss Tench and I love seeing this rewarding program in action and the connections that the older and younger students are making. The focus last Friday was to  teach the kinder students how to play card games. UNO and memory were favouries. I think some of the kinder students even beat the Year four students. There was also an opporunity for outdoor play and the ever popular swings and monkey bars were busy with the Sacred Heart students joining in. 


Our annual Scholastic Book fair is on again this year. It will be held in the library next week from 13th-16th of June. 

It ties in beautifully with Grandparents day on the 16th June so Grandparents will also get an opportunity to buy books if they wish. The book Fair will be open every morning before school at 8:15am  and every afternoon from 3:15pm from the 13-16th of June. We are looking for parent volunteers to assist on the mornings and afternoons. Thank you in advance to the parents who have volunteered to help out. 



Next Sessions:

  • 28th July 10am
  • 18th August 10am 

We had another wondeful morning at Little Hearts playgroup last Friday morning. Our Little Hearts and year 6 students loved being part of Carol's music and percussion play. The puppets even came out! Thanks so much to our LSO Carol Mathias for sharing her musical talents at playgroup again.  It was lovely to welcome some prospective preps to playgroup last week. 

Family and friends are most welcome to attend. 

No age limit on toddlers or pre-schoolers. 



As the long anticipated long weekend approaches I hope you are all able to have a well deserved rest so we can make it to the finish line of this term, 


Stay warm and stay healthy, 


Brigid Pennington 

Deputy Principal, Learning Diversity Leader and 3-6 Literacy Leader