Message from the Principal Team

Principals' Update

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the parents for your lovely wishes as I step into the Acting Principal role while the Department of Education decides on a suitable appointment for the rest of the term. As soon as we have been informed of their decision we will communicate who will be taking up the role. Many thanks to the Leadership team for assisting me during this transition. 

Rachel will be truly missed for the remainder of the year but we would like to wish her all the best in her new position and we look forward to seeing her back in 2022. She has such a love for the school that we have no doubt we will still be seeing a lot of her between now and the end of the year.

It has been wonderful to have all classes back in school together this week.  It has been a long time since our community has had the opportunity to come together and we are delighted to see everyone practicing the best COVID safe habits. As recommended in the operations guidelines, we are continuing to maintain year level bubbles when indoors and keeping doors and windows open at all times. Please ensure that you do not send your child to school if they are unwell. 

I would like to remind parents/carers that we have returned to our normal school hours of 9.00am – 3.30pm. We also ask that you record any absences on Compass before 10am.



We are looking forward to holding our assembly in person again this Friday, 5th November at 3.10pm. The classes will be spaced out in their bubbles and while we invite parents to attend on site, please ensure that you continue with social distancing.


Book Parade

We will be holding a Book Parade on Friday 12th November. Children can dress up as their favourite character from a book. We will come together in the playground and everyone can show their wonderful costumes.


Foundation Breakfast

Foundation children will be coming to school for breakfast on Friday 12th November. As this coincides with the book parade, they can come in dressed up or in their pyjamas. Our wonderful Foundation team will be in contact with further details.


School Colour Fun Run Fundraiser

We are looking forward our School Fun Run on Friday 19 November. Currently, we have raised $6,367 of our $10,000 goal. If we hit this goal, there is a chance to Colour Run the Principal. I only heard about this, after I took up my role as Acting Principal! I'm sure this will be a great incentive for all the children.


Bike Week

The Year 5/6 students will begin Bike Education next week. The lessons are expected to go ahead on Wednesday and Thursday afternoon if the weather permits. The lessons will run with the assistance of a trained Bike Ed educator who will also be assisting us on our Big Bike Ride happening the following week. If you haven't already, could you please complete the form on the Compass event that will indicate your permission for your child to participate in the program.


Foundation Transition

We are looking forward to welcoming our incoming Foundation students on Monday 15th November and Tuesday 16th November. We will also have an online parent information meeting for our new Foundation parents on Tuesday 16th November.   


State-wide Transition for Year 6 to Year 7 students

The state-wide transition for our year 6 students will take place on Tuesday 7th December 2021.



Just a reminder for all that swimming lessons will commence on Monday 22nd November and run on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday for 2 weeks. 


Thanking you all for your continued support,

Eoghan O’Muirgheasa, Erin Brown & Jane Bilby