Diary Dates

School Dates

Term 4 will end at 1.30 pm on Friday 17th December.

Sunsmart Hat Reminder

Friendly reminder - sun protection times have already started. This means that students will be required to wear a hat when they go outside, starting from Monday 6th September 2021.


Although it may still be cold, Victoria's UV levels are on the rise so please check the daily local sun protection times to see when you need to be SunSmart. The sun protection times are a forecast from the Bureau of Meteorology for the time of day UV levels are forecast to reach 3 or higher in your location. At these levels, sun protection (hat, clothing, sunscreen, shade and, if practical, sunglasses) is recommended for all skin types. 

Sun protection times are available via:

So when outdoors, check the sun protection times and use sun protection accordingly. For more information for families please check out https://www.sunsmart.com.au/communities/parents

Current Excursions & Events

Money/Forms Due By:

Excursion/Camp Name


Excursion/Event Date

CLOSEDYear 1 Botanical Gardens Excursion$22

Tuesday 14th December

CLOSEDYear 2 Reptile Incursion$20

Wednesday 8th December

CLOSEDYear 3 Botanical Gardens Excursion$0

Monday 13th December

Tuesday 30th November2021 Class Photos Payment Due$5/10

Throughout November

Wednesday 1st DecemberYear 4 Escape to LPS Incursion$0

Thursday 9th December

Wednesday 1st DecemberYear 5 Somers Day Camp$0

Wednesday 15th December

Tuesday 7th DecemberStep Up DayN/A

Tuesday 7th December

Friday 10th DecemberCurriculum Contributions Due$262

Friday 10th December

Wednesday 15th DecemberYear 6 Graduation 9.30-11amN/A

Wednesday 15th December



Friday 17th DecemberTerm 4 Ends 1.30pmN/A

Friday 17th September



Monday 31st JanuaryTerm 1 Begins 9am Year 1-6N/A

Monday 31st January

Tuesday 1st FebruaryTerm 1 Begins Preps Tuesday 1st February