The Inquiry Centre is full to the brim with exciting lessons. New and interesting concepts to be learnt! So let’s go see what intriguing new things the 1/2s have been learning all about in their writing unit this term! But for that we’ll need to head over there to interview them on their thoughts about the new poetry unit! In this unit the 1/2s learnt all about and even crafted their own versions of popular kinds of poems! Some favourites of theirs were the acrostic poems and the cinquain poems!
Student Voice:
- Tattva D - "I liked doing the acrostic poem, it was cool to write down instead of writing left to right."
- Maddie T - "I like the stories that’s in the poems, I like the meaning behind some of the poems. Couplets was very cool as well."
- Christian K - "It’s about my friends and Minecraft so I wrote it inspired by Minecraft. Cinquain was great so I wanted to do more about that."
- Tilly N - "I really enjoyed the rhyming and enjoyed writing quatrain and cinquain. I liked adding new words to my vocabulary."
- Zachary C - "I liked the poetry because I liked the theme that I could do with acrostic poems. I really enjoyed doing cinquain poems as well."