100 Days of School Foundation

Written by Chris, Cadie, Bastion & Catherine

Recently, the Foundation students celebrated their 100th day of school! The 100th day celebration was a very important day for the Foundation students, in which they did loads of fun activities and collaborated with each other very nicely. Some activities included making crowns, eating scrumptious food, and of course, playing with each other. They all were asked to bring in 100 small items to help them practice counting to 100. There was also a huge parade around the school to show off their amazing crafts. They were smiling and laughing and they had a great time! 


Phoebe from FH had her birthday on the 100th day so she had an extra important celebration! Everyone had the time of their lives, it was truly amazing.

Student Voice 

What is your favourite thing about 100 days of school:

  • Oliver B - "My favourite thing was counting to 100."
  • Tyson O - "The parade"
  • Emil A - "We get to dance"
  • Lucky B - "Making/wearing the crowns"
  • Anouk D - "Doing the parade"
  • Clara M - "I liked making the crown"
  • Max C - "I enjoyed playing with my friends in the celebration."
  • Phoebe R - "I enjoyed making the crowns."