Earn & Learn

Written by Tara & Adella

What is Earn and Learn?

Earn and earn was a very fun experience. We learned about how to apply for jobs and have a business plan. We learnt about what to do after we finish school and how to pay our taxes. We learnt that when owning a business you need a business plan, and when applying for a job, you need a job application. It all started with our Shark Tank Day...

Shark Tank Day

Shark Tank day is a day where we share our business plan, if we are wanting to run a business. We will present how it will work, how much money we want the teachers to invest and where we want to be located for the business.

Running a business 

During Earn and Learn, we had the opportunity to run a business. We could either sell items or provide a service. You could either make your items to sell, or you can buy something from outside of school to sell to others. For services, we can tutor people or even clean people’s tubs to earn money.

Getting a job

In Earn & Learn, we earn money! BUT, you need to work to earn. There were many jobs such as a police officer, a lawyer, an accountant and a COVID safe officer You have so many choices but you might not get the job you want. That's why we have businesses and they are a backup plan to make sure you earn money another way.


We have separated our 5/6 Leadership Centre to parts of Australia. 5/6SB is Victoria, 5/6B is Queensland, the cave is New South Wales, 5/6W is Western Australia, and 5/6C is South Australia. We have a border between Bubble 1 (5/6B and 5/6SB) and Bubble 2 (5/6W and 5/6C) and we had to pay a ticket to get past each border. At this time of writing, border restrictions have been eased but may be back in place.

Student Voice:

  • Russell -"I really enjoyed managing a business and learning how to avoid financial debt"
  • Ethan K - "I enjoyed Earn and Learn because it gives you preparation for the real world, working with money and having a job. It's a good way to practise working with debit and credit cards." 
  • Ayanna C - "I enjoyed Earn and Learn because it gave us an experience that some students will not unfortunately able to do. It gave us time to realise what the real world would be like" 
  • Tia B -"I really liked Earn and Learn because we got to make stuff for our shops and experience how real shops would work"