A note from Mr Jackson

Parent Payments Policy

This week our Parent Payment Information was sent home to parents. This is an important source of school income that directly supports the teaching and learning of students. It enables us to use a range of online digital programs to support learning at home and at school and contributes towards the costs of essential everyday classroom resources. Please consider the invitation to contribute to the Library or Building Fund. These tax deductible donations enable us to update our library books and ensure that we can target school improvements. If you have any questions or require support in completing payments please do not hesitate to ask at the office.


2022 Class Structure

Each year at this time we announce our 2022 class structure. This is based on information we have received in regards to enrolments and funding. As this information continues to change weekly the structure provides a draught plan that enables us to staff the school in 2022. 


After the significant remote learning experiences of 2020 we made a plan that focused on resourcing the school, responding to the academic concerns around student learning. As we emerge from 2021 we continue to be committed to ensure not only that we consider student academic growth but equally student wellbeing. In a year of such social dislocation we hope our structure will resource and promote student interactions. We are fortunate to have composite settings that enable these connections between students across ages, in each classroom.


Funding will continue to target student learning that has been disrupted this year with extra support for teachers embedded in classrooms. This will enable teachers to differentiate need and implement focused learning experiences that ensure students continue to grow. 


The learning structure for our school will be made up of the following classes: 


Prep, Prep/1

1/2 Class, 1/2 Class, 1/2 Class, 1/2 Class,

2/3 Class, 3/4 Class, 3/4 Class, 3/4 Class

4/5 Class, 5/6 Class, 5/6 Class


Oval Beautification  

A very special thank you to our green thumbs who have been busy on the oval planting a row of trees. Once grown, these trees will provide shade and screening for students on the Oval. We are ever so thankful for the hard work and  generosity of these parents. 


Lawn Mowing 

Here is an invitation to help keep our lawns looking sharp. While a team of mowers have ensured regular mowing is completed, there are some sloped and tricky spaces that require the care of a hand mower or whipper snipper. Your help in tackling these areas would be greatly appreciated. Please make contact with Mark Etheridge by leaving your name at the office to find out how you can help. 


FORPS Powers On

A busy team of parents continue to raise valuable funds to support the school. Please consider ways you can contribute in this newsletter. Everyone’s small part makes a big difference.


A reminder to keep the evening of 3rd December free. It will be a chance to relax and reconnect at the end of a difficult year. Bring a blanket and picnic to enjoy. Keep connected to Compass and Facebook to catch the latest on FORP’s plans. 


ICAS Assessments

It has been wonderful to see the enthusiasm and deep thinking that has arisen from students participating in the ICAS assessments. These assessments cover Science, English and Maths and provide students with a challenge, sending them deeper into new understandings. For those who have been away their assessments will take place next week. 


Curriculum Day

A reminder that Monday 29 November is set aside as a Curriculum Day when students do not attend school. Out of School Hours Program will meet and provide a program on the day. Please register your interest with them as soon as possible.




Our assembly will continue to be held online this week on Friday afternoon at 2:45pm. The details continue to be:


Join at: https://eduvic.webex.com/eduvic/j.php?MTID=m12e9a1768f6b2105b30a720f26f784cc

Meeting Number: 165 377 5689

Meeting Password: RPSTV


Covid-19 Resources

Please find attached a range of information related to COVID and vaccinations in diverse community languages. I add it to our newsletter, hopeful that it is able to keep people informed!