Year 3/4 News

What a rollercoaster of a year, one that I'm sure we'll remember for many years to come. The students of year 3/4 have shown their resilience, dedication and persistence, both in the classroom and during online learning. As teachers, we could not be prouder of the way the students have dealt with the numerous challenges this year and we look forward to seeing what they achieve next!
Some quotes about one thing these students enjoyed this year:
- "I enjoyed writing, reading and colouring activities" - Alex W
- "I really enjoyed school camp, especially toasting the marshmallows" - Sienna P
- "I really enjoyed constructing the Olympic stadium in PBL" - Stephanie H
- "I really liked watching a movie will all my friends at camp" - Ethan O
- "I liked headstart week, making new friends and going on school camp" - Isabella M
We hope all of our students and their families have a safe and happy Christmas and enjoy a well-deserved break. We appreciate all that our community went through this year and want to thank you for contributing to making learning at St Raphael's that much more enjoyable!
Sports Day
On Thursday the 9th of December, the entire school of St Raphael's went to Coburg Athletics Track! The weather may not have been perfect, but the energy and effort that our students put into every event this Sports Day was phenomenal! The excitement for every activity and the participation from all the year 3/4 students was to be commended. I'm sure the cheers could be heard across the entire neighbourhood!
Here are some photos of the students before they sprinted 100m!
Measurement in the Outdoors
Last Friday, the Year 3/4 students participated in an outdoor measurement rotation. The activities covered the areas of:
Length - How long is That? - Length Scavenger Hunt
Capacity - Water Relay - The students recognised the conversions of Litres to mL and that 1L = 1000mL. The question was posed, when transporting water across to two different capacity holding objects, how much water could they conserve using a sponge? They competed in teams in a relay race, where they discussed the best strategy to transport water across the two objects. At the end of the activity, they measured the amount of water they had and conserved and how much water they had lost from their original 1 litre.
Mass - Students investigated the mass of different objects (less than a kilogram) in the schoolyard. In groups, they collected six objects then estimated the mass by hefting, lifting or holding something in order to test its weight. They ordered the objects from lightest to heaviest and measured the mass using a variety of scales, including kitchen and balancing scales. They concluded the session by comparing their estimates to the actual mass of objects.
We learned that different measurements require different types of equipment. For example, to measure the perimeter of Grassland, you need to use a trundle wheel and to measure liquids you need a jug or container that has millilitres represented on the side.
It was great to get outside on such a beautiful day to learn about measurement.
First Eucharist
To celebrate the Year 4 students receiving their First Eucharist this coming Saturday, we thought it would be fitting to include a prayer. We are hoping for a wonderful and safe celebration this weekend, full of hope and happiness for the future.