Year 1/2 News

What A Year It Has Been!
We cannot believe that the year has come to an end. It has definitely been an interesting year but we are so proud of the Year 1/2 students for their resilience and positivity that they have all shown. Below are some reflections from the students about their year.
This year I enjoyed making new friends.
This year I enjoyed getting 'Art Star' and 'Science Supernova' awards, and being 'Student of the Week'.
My favourite part this year was Investigations because I love the collage table.
When it was my birthday; that was the best moment of this year.
I enjoyed playing soccer on Greenland.
My favourite thing to do in Grade 1 is playing outside with my friends.
-Jayden K
This year I really enjoyed the Maths Day and seeing my teacher every day.
-Esther M
I love when we went to Ceres because we went on a bus and it was really fun.
My favourite part of the year was learning at school.
My favourite part of the year was playing grown ups, making new friends, being nice and helping friends.
We hope all the Year 1/2 families have a fabulous summer break and a Merry Christmas!
Headstart Week
It has been an exciting week getting to know our new homeroom groups for 2022. The children were full of smiles and excitement meeting new friends and teachers. We look forward to a fabulous year with the students.
Here are some photos of the Year 1/2 2022 students during Headstart Week.
Dreamtime Stories
The children have been exploring Aboriginal Dreamtime stories and identifying the characters, setting and sequence of events.
Here are some photos of the children from 1/2C retelling a Dreamtime story using props:
Important Dates
Last Day of School - Wednesday 15th December (1 pm finish)
Staff Contacts
Jackie Moloney
Melanie Pizzonia
Bella Sullivan-Barry
Paige Frazer
Phoebe Tune
Please note, we will respond to emails Monday to Friday, between the hours of 8am- 5pm