Farewell Foundation!

The year has come to an end and oh what a year it has been! We are extremely proud of the progress our students have made and the resilience they have shown during such a turbulent year. The children have grown in their ability and confidence. Best of all, they  have made strong friendships that will last for years to come. 

It is with sorrow that we bid our 2021 Foundation students and families farewell. We really enjoyed teaching this year's cohort and look forward to hearing about their future achievements and successes. 

We hope everyone has a happy and holy Christmas and a wonderful new year!  Stay safe!

2021 Reflections by FL & FP 

Recently during writing, Foundation students reflected on their first year at school. We invite you to read what some of them had to say:


Luca FL

I liked the 100 Day Party. I  liked the Investigation areas. My first day was challenging but it is easy now. I loved the tour of school.  It was fun! I can write big stories now. I love maths. 2021 was fun. But it is coming to an end now. It is the best!


Emily FL

The100 Day Party was fun, I loved it! We got to wear whatever we wanted. My clothes were pretty. I love school. I have learnt a lot!


Joe FL

The 100 Day Party was really fun. We had party bags. During the first day everything was so hard. 


Angela FL

My friends go to my school. We play and skip. I like coming to school.


Lincoln R FL

My favourite thing was the 100 Day Party. I enjoyed Mondays because we got to do free writing. I also liked reading because earlier in the year I enjoyed playing on the i-pads. I enjoyed my first year at school.


Francesco FL

I like to play with my friends. It is so much fun.


Michael FL

On the first day of school I investigated and I found Joe. We became best friends. I found Theo with Joe.


James B FL

I enjoyed playing new games. When it is Investigation time I go and play. I enjoy writing and to learn and play. I like my school.


Dante FL

I enjoyed the 100 Day Party. I like school. School is amazing.


Nadia FL

I like school. I like my friends so much because they treat me fairly. I like them. I like school. I like all of my friends. I like school so,so,so much because my school is fun.


Theo FL

I remember the 100 day party. I like reading and writing and maths. At lunchtime I enjoyed playing different games. In Investigations I like the Lego area. The outside games are really fun. I enjoyed the first year of school.


Alicia FP

I was scared when I first went to school. I made new friends in 2021. When I made friends, me and my friends had lots of fun!


Jackson FP

I love school because I like the Police Station. We get to play cops and robbers. I like the Post Office because I get to write letters to my Allegra.


Jenelle FP

This year was the first year I started school. My teacher's name is Miss Pham. She is very kind. I have another teacher called Ms U. I have a lot of friends. Their names are Lincoln, Allegra, Isla, Lucas, Gigi, Cara and Benji.


Lucas FP

The first year I went to school, I did not know how to write. Now I know how to write. I was so good at writing and now I can write sentences. 


Luca FP

I went to school and I was shy. I got older and I was not scared anymore. I was brave. The school was fun. I liked to investigate the collage table and the construction zone. 


Allegra FP

When I first came to school I felt nervous. I made new friends. I made a friend called Isla. I even made another friend called Lincoln. I love school because I love my teacher. I love playing with my friends. I love school because I love maths!

Road Safety 

As part of our Inquiry unit: "How to Keep Safe Under the Hot Australian Sun?" students in Foundation learnt about different road signs. They explained the meaning of each sign and shared personal experiences of what drivers, riders and pedestrians do when they come across these signs. Students were then instructed to work collaboratively to create a road scene including road signs. Here are some of the road scenes designed by different groups:

Reading Eggs

Please note, students will continue to have access to Reading Eggs during the end of year holidays. 

Important Dates 

Buddy Lunch (BYO Food)-Monday 13th December

Last Day of School - Wednesday 15th December (1 pm finish)

Staff Contacts

Linda Pham (FP)                   lpham@srprestonwest.catholic.edu.au 

Lorraine Uzunovski (FL)    uzul@srprestonwest.catholic.edu.au


Please note, we will respond to emails Monday to Friday, between the hours of 8am- 5pm.