Physical Education 

Matt Vernal -

Sports Day

What a wonderful sight it was to see the students back out and enjoying themselves at the Sports Day. The day is all about the enjoyment of physical activity as well as teamwork and supporting one another and it was great to see the students really embrace this. Everyone came with a great sense of spirit and it was terrific to see the school community together again in full flight with a number of parents in attendance, which was particularly pleasing to see. The competition between the four Houses of Bass(Green), Flinders(Gold), Burke(Blue) and Cook(Red) is of course the main focus for the day. There are two awards given out on the day; Team Spirit and the Aggregate Trophy. Both of these perpetual trophies sit at the front of the school in our glass cabinets and are engraved and updated every year. The Team Spirit  award was won this year by Flinders, this award is based on how well each house has cheered and supported one another through the day, as well as all the points that have been earned through positive actions around the school during the year. The Aggregate award goes to the school who earns the most points from the various events on the Sports Day and this was won this year by Cook. Congratulations to all the students from both houses!


Finally a big thank you to all the staff for their help in allowing the day to run smoothly.

Swimming Trials

Next year's school swimming trials are booked in for Monday February 7 at Coburg Olympic Pool. Students are welcome to try out for the school swimming team on this day but they must be able to swim 50 metres competently. The four disciplines of Freestyle, Butterfly, Backstroke and Breaststroke are available for the students to try out for. A permission note will come out shortly for the parents of those students who wish to try out.