
Tanya Vaughan - Head of Primary: thinking about how it felt to get back into classes after three months away (edited).

Each afternoon, it is my delight to stand at the crossing to ensure that all our precious primary students remain safe in the busyness of the traffic. I have learned to use the few moments I have with those little people waiting patiently, to reconnect with them and ask a few simple questions:

"How are you?"

"Is it good to be back at school?"

"What was your highlight today?"


The responses vary, as does the level of enthusiasm (as you would expect), but there is an overwhelming consistency in the replies given. These are the underlying messages that I have heard:

  • Our students are happy to be back at school
  • They appreciate the opportunity to be with friends and teachers again
  • They love the creative learning experiences and social interaction that a school day brings
  • They have adapted to change as best they could, and
  • Although tired, they are energised by being around the College community.


Parents, thank you for the way you have supported and encouraged your child during this transition season.


Teachers, thank you for the way you have been mindful of each individual child under your care, and for placing importance on the social and emotional reconnection for each one of them.


Students, thank you for being brave and for displaying incredible flexibility over these past few weeks as you have adapted to changes and embraced our new normal together!


With so much prayer, careful planning, ongoing discussions and seeking Godly wisdom, we really shouldn't be surprised to see how God is at work in our College. Our collective response should be, however, to give thanks for the way he continues to bless and to guide us as individuals, as families and as members of a reconnected learning community.