We Made It - Somehow!

Tim Dehn - Community Relations Manager. 

Pictured - the last day for the Class of 2021, rounded off with a colour run, naturally!

Thinking about how to welcome you to this December edition of Now and Then I glanced back at July's words, and read this:

Change. That seems to be the word for this edition of Now and Then,
as we've planned then postponed public events like Founders Day; and enjoyed what felt like normality for a term and a bit, only to be tumbled once again into lockdown and distance learning.

I could have used those words again today almost without change - reunions cancelled left right and centre, plans made, then abandoned, nearly four months of lockdown - probably a bit like your year.


 Here's a glimpse of how we've managed the last six months:

  • Tim Argall (Executive Principal) writes in No Rainbow without Rain of promise after pain;
  • Vaughan Barras (Secondary Teacher) tells of a refreshed trust in God in The Story We Find Ourselves In;
  • Steve Venour (Head of Secondary) in Getting the Best out of Home Learning reflects on the realities of teaching at a distance;
  • Reconnecting brings us back to school in the company of Tanya Vaughan (Head of Primary);
  • Thank you for 31 Years is a farewell letter from a retiring teacher;
  • and life on the College farm - Keep 'em Coming - stops for nothing!

All those articles are republished from our fortnightly community newsletter, Networks.


In The Spotlight features a graduate of the Class of 2011, Ben Howes, who reveals how he doesn't want to work with Rowan Atkinson because he'd be unable to concentrate for laughing.


Building of the new Community Hub - a space for sport, performance and teaching - has continued apace and, despite the havoc that COVID-19 has wreaked on both materials and activities, it is on track for occupation by Christmas. It's the biggest building project Donvale has ever undertaken. Here's how it looked in October:

This year our Thanksgiving Service was again a video production. Seen by many in the Donvale community on the last Monday of November, the recording will remain available until Christmas.


May I strongly recommend the Year 6 video? It comes about half way through the service and encapsulates all we seek to be as followers of Christ in this community.


There's one more absolute "must see" moment - at the end of the service The Altonatives sing our College hymn in the nearly-finished Community Hub. Somehow it's the perfect space in which to hear these words echo:

Be thou my vision, O Lord of my heart
Naught be all else to me, save that thou art

Finally - do you recognise these words? 

Well may we say God save the Queen - because nothing will save the Governor-General!

 Famously uttered by Gough Whitlam on the steps of parliament house, Canberra, on 11 November 1975 just after the dismissal of his government, they kick off our last podcast for the year - a conversation with reporter Leigh Hatcher:

You can find The Joseph Network on Apple, Spotify or Google Podcasts. There's a wide variety of guests, all with compelling and inspiring stories to tell.



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And you may always contact us through alumni@donvale.vic.edu.au at any time!