Student Excellence

Welcome back to Student Excellence for Term Two!
This Term will see selected Grade Five students continuing on with their Mindstorms project. Students are gearing up to compete against other schools later in this year in First Lego League, a competitive maths and coding event. So what does this mean for this Term, in order to win? Students will be further developing coding skills using touch and colour sensors in order to rotate, spin and move through obstacles. Tony and Mr Hanson have been busy building courses and obstacles for teams to work through putting learnt skills to practice. Shout out and thanks to Roxburgh College and Alistair for their help with our project.
It's also Grade Four students turn in Term Two with a Literacy focus. Reading news articles is one of the best ways to keep up with important news in your city, country and around the world. Students will be transformed into journalists who write newspaper articles which will be collated into a school newspaper so that the community can keep up to date with what is happening at Roxburgh Park Primary School from our students perspectives. Students will be working with Belinda Perera to analyse a variety of texts which will then support them to plan draft, and publish the school newspaper.