Principal's Report

Achieving Excellence Together”

Term 2 - Welcome Back!

I hope everyone is safe and healthy and ready for a great term of learning.

Enrolments for 2022:

Enrolments for 2022 are now open! Please contact the office or download an enrolment pack from our website if you want to come and join our amazing school! 


School Attendance:

In our foyer in the office we are tracking our whole school attendance data. It is important for student academic growth that every student is at school every day and on time?


We have a large number of students arriving late to school. Learning starts at 9.00 a.m. SHARP and it is vital that ALL students are sitting on the floor ready for their first lesson.


The bell rings at 8.50 a.m. each morning to students to get ready and the teacher to take the attendance roll, so that learning can start at 9.00 a.m.


Students who arrive late miss the most important part of the lesson where teachers demonstrate new skills and learning and can often disrupt the learning that has already started.


We ask each family to arrive at school on time ready for a great day of learning. 

ANZAC Day Assembly:




Thank you to our school captains who did a fantastic job with our ANZAC assembly.  Our students did a fantastic job paying their respects.






This year our Year 3 & Year 5 students will be taking part in NAPALN. 


NAPLAN will run from Tuesday 18th of May until Thursday 20th May. 


We were granted these alternative dates after we submitted an application for an change in time due to NAPLAN dates falling during the last week of Ramadan. If you require any further information then please speak to your child’s teacher. Information about NAPLAN has been sent home to students in Years 3 & 5.


Curriculum Day Postponed:

Please we aware that we have postponed this term's Curriculum Day that was scheduled for Tuesday 11th May. ALL students are expected at school on Tuesday 11th May as a regular school day.


We will communicate the new curriculum day date that is proposed for June once it has been approved through school council. 


I apologies for any inconvenience. 


Staffing update:

This term we welcome two new teachers. I am sure you will join me in welcoming them to Roxburgh Park PS.


Tiana Elia is the new teacher of 2C.  Kerry Hurley picked up a new teaching position at Keelonith Primary School.



Hello everyone! My name is Tiana Elia and I am so excited to be joining the Roxburgh Park Primary School community. I am absolutely thrilled to be a Grade 2 teacher this year. I am very passionate about education and I will do my best to make every day full of learning, laughter and growth. 




Miss Paloma who is the new teacher of 2C after Donna Oram-Parkinson accepted a new teaching position at University Park Primary School for 2021. 


Stacey Civ
Stacey Civ





Stacey Cicivelli is our new Performing Arts teacher.


(you can find out more about Ms. Cicivelli on the Performing Arts Page - Lights, Camera ROXY!)






Also, we welcome Sheryl back to the Art room next week after taking some leave.

2020 Annual Report to the school Community:

The 2020 Annual report to the school community has been endorsed by School Council and is available to view on our website. You can locate it here.



Thank you once again for your ongoing support. If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me via email:


Looking forward to a year full of respect, learning and co-operation!!!


Samantha Kenely